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maharãimaha-rãĩ, mãharaineg.impdo not, negative commandnão, negativo imperativowa kiri mãharainot themes
mahemahenstone for baking cassavapedra (para assar cassava) chata
mahekomahekoinal. nounkneejoelho2.1Body
mahekokroaɨmahkok-ro-a-uivkneeling, (sitting on knee)ajoelhar
mahɨmahɨvtlend, borrow (root)emprestar, tomar emprestado
mahɨaɨmahɨ-a-ɨvtlending, to lend s.t.emprestar a alguém
mahɨk mãrobarefootdescalço
mahɨkemahɨkevtlend to otheremprestar
mahɨkpesititiavtwear shoescalçar (sapatos)
mahɨmaweimahɨ-ma-weiinf. nom.confer a title, give a name, (, dar algo a alguém
mahɨpɨomahɨpɨopart.borrowedtomar emprestado
mahɨpomahpo, mahupovborrowtomar emprestadopo txa ak mahpo paoɨI just borrowed the axe.
mahɨsikmahɨsiknclaw, hoofgarra, unha do pé traseiro
mahkepomahkeporecognizable, show easilyreconhecível, mostrar facilmenteDeos thãɨ mãro make poɨ
mahkɨmahkɨseem, look likeparecem, olhar como
mahkɨremah-kɨ-reconneven though nowainda que agorawamak yɨ̃mkak kɨ haikia mahkɨre, wam thão hĩrira-imi.even though you have ears, you don't understand now.
mahrovtsubstitute, to replacesubstituirmahrõ-yoma(he) switched
maimaipush awaymandar embora empurrando
mai athonlizard sp.espécie de lagarto
maiamaianinsect sp.larva-lagarto
maiaomomaiaomothink, be intelligentpensar, ser inteligente
maikamajkansickness from bad-look, generally abdomen pain and diarrheadoença causada pelo "mau-olhado". Dores de barriga e diarrea
maikaawaimajka-awajnsickness of /maika/doença de /maika/
maikahenakmajka-henaknleaves of cultivated plant by the shamanfolhas de planta cultivada pelo xamã4.9.4.1Sorcery
maikamomajkamov be reached by /maika/ "bad-look"ser atingido pelo /maika/"mau-olhado"txa maikamo rayo-maI got caught up in diarrhea

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