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ëhẽkokɨə̃hẽ-kokɨ, əh-kokɨ (Albino)inal. nounpulse, wristpulsopiri ëhẽko kerayomabroke his wrist
ëhëhëroɨəhəhə-ro-ɨvtrelieve, to relieve, getting betteraliviar, aliviando, melhorando
ëiëi motiməĩəĩ-motimnBeetle sp.besouro esp.
ëmtaxiə̃mtaʃiinal. pro.ear lobe (who? where?)lóbulo da orelha ??
ëpëha2əpəhaadjoverripemacio, fruta madura
ërëkemaərə-ke-mabow (small for children)arco (para criança)
ërëweiərəweintoad-fishpeixe sapo1.6.1.5Fish
ëtɨaətɨa Checsk in fieldlocover therelá, pra lá, mais adiante??thë kɨa ëtɨathe thing is there

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