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ãaremakããrẽmaknboa constrictorjibóia
ãhiãhĩnmud, muddylama, lamacentothëk ãhimuddy things
ãhiõnãhĩõndial. var.ãpiaonairplane (late borrowing, after 1965)avião (emprestimo tardio, apos 1965)
airplaneãhiõnairplane (late borrowing, after 1965)
ãhɨhaɨãhɨ̃hã-ɨ̃Vi/Vtsqueeze, to squeeze manioc with squeezerapertar mandioca com tipitinax-txa-kok ãhɨhaɨ, hoktomënI'm squeezing cassava with tipiti.
ãhɨkãhɨ̃-k, ãhu-kɨinal. nounfeathers of the tailpenas do rabo
ãhĩp kɨaãhĩp kɨ mud, he is muddyter lama, ele tem lamaãhip kɨawei, ãhip kɨamuddy, have mud
ãhɨ̃ãhɨ̃, wãhɨ̃nskin disease, white spotsinfecção cutânea, doença na pele, manchas brancas2.5.2Disease
ãhoaikãhõãi-kənavocado sp. forest avocadoabacate esp. abacate do mato
ãhoxãhõ-ʃpro-formeach of youcada um
ãhõãhõ, ãhə̃ cfkahõkamaeweepro-formyours, yourteu, sua, seu
ãimoãimoadjbravecorajosotxa ãimo yãkiri imiI'm brave, I'm not afraid.
ãipara1ãĩpãrancrested oropendola, bird sp.japu (GG), corrupião1.6.1.2Bird
ãipara2ãjpãrãnRed-rumped Cacique, bird sp.Japim-de-costas-vermelhas, Ave esp.
-ãɨ̃sp. var. of-aɨMoved from Lexeme Form field
ãkãhicfakahiadjflat, smooth, leveledachatado, lisotihisi ãkahĩthe hull is smooth
ãkeheãkẽheãkahivtsmooth, make skin smooth, to tanalisar, curtirka-hõn hei haya-sik ãke-hei; (hakehei)?Are you going to enjoy this deer leather?
ãkereãkereivmove aside, to go to the sideir ao lado, desviar
ãkënãkə̃ncfakënhakëndial. var. offr. var. ofakënEvid.sure, indeed, (Evidential for speaker witness)certamente, isso mesmo, verdadeHatin xama xërare ha therekɨre ɨhɨ. kamaya-n, txa xërare ãkën.Who killed Anta there? I killed her myself.
ãkërɨhɨaãkə̃rɨ̃hɨ̃aadvnear, close toperto, próximo
ãkɨkaɨãkɨka-ɨVi/Vttying, to tieamarrar, enrolar
ãkɨkaraɨãkɨ-kara-ɨvthang, hanging up s.t. chokingpender, pendurar algo, suspenderoramis akɨkremahanging from the neck, hanging around the neck
ãkɨkaramoɨãkɨ-ka-ra-mo-ɨv ref.hanging selfenforcar-sekama-n ãkɨkara-mo yo-maHe hanged himself
ãkɨkaramoweiãkɨ-ka-ra-mo-weiinf. nom.hanging self, to hang oneselfenforcando-se, ser enforcado
ãkɨkaraweiãkɨ-ka-ra-weiinf. nom.hang up s.t.estrangular, suspender
ãkɨkɨi1ãkɨkɨiadjtight, close fittingapertado

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