Browse Ninam


aënaãə̃naã-ə̃nancow-birdcará cará, pássaro-vaqueiroCuculidae1.6.1.2Bird
aharemkonasiaharem-konas(i)nfish sp. smallpiaba, peixe pequeno, esp.
ahatiahatiahateadvnear, nearbyperto, ao ladoahate haikiaYes, it's nearahatire kɨabe close
ahatimoahati-mo1adv,Vnear, to be approaching s.t. aproximar-sepɨk ahatimo yaro.They're very close.2v be near s.t.estar perto
aheahe. ahe-aivnearby, approach, arrive nearperto, chegando pertowa ahe pemiado not go nearia ahe-oxLet's eat together be near (position verb)estar pertotxamak ahea haikia.We're close.
aheamaaheamavtvisit sb., to take sb. to stroll, or to move things near byfazer visita, fazer um passeio4.2.1.4Visit
aheoɨ1ahe-o-ɨv ref.visiting, to be visitingvisitar, estar visitando4.2.1.4Visit
aheoɨ2ahe-o-ɨv ref.strolling, to strollpasseando
aheoweiahe-o-weiinf. nom.visit, visiting, strollingvisita, passeio, passeandotititëhë aheowei totihi pemiaWalking at night is not good.
ahënaahəna, aəna nground cuckoo, anu, rufusanu-guaçu, gaivotaCuculidae.
ahoxikëahoʃikə, ahosiknrice (word borrowing from Portuguese)arroz5.2.3.1Food from plants
ahõ thɨɨp pohoaho thɨ?ɨp pohovtake your wifeleva tua esposaaho thɨɨp pohotake your milk4.1.9Kinship2.6.1Marriage
ahtxaiahprtoh! that's righté verdade! realmente!aminaha, ahtxaiand-so, really
ai1ájinterjwhat? again?como? de novo?
ai2áiadvmore (of the same kind), anothermais, outroai thëm henathë ahõ pontó txa hipɨa-itë.The day after tomorrow, I'm going to give you your ninamanother personai kɨptwo other peopleai thëkother things
aihëmai-həmadvgo onavante, continua
aiiriaj-iri, airipro-formanother but different kindoutro diferente
aikõraaj-kõrãnpied crested oropendola (bird)japu-vermelho. (ave)
aipɨkaj pɨknother peopleoutras pessoasai pɨk warokemëother people arrived
aipɨk tɨwëp hɨkɨatxoweiai-pɨk thɨwə-p hɨkɨ-a-tʃo-weicfhɨesimonpadultery (to take other people's woman)adultério (ter relações com a mulher de outra pessoa)
aitsp. var. ofaithëMoved from Lexeme Form field
aithëaj-thə, ai-tsp. var.aitquantsome (of them), another thingoutra coisaai thëkother things