Browse Ninam


araɨaravtlay out, spread out in the sun, (on the floor or on the roof)expor fora no sol, espalhar (no chão ou telhado)yãno-txam-hik ara-ma kɨrenWe spread the rafters in the sun.
arakariarakarinbatfishpirá-andira (peixe)
arakatxaarakatʃanbush dog, wildcachorro do mato
aramaweiara-ma-weiinf. nom.put out, to spread out, lie on roof (causative)colocar algo para fora, espalhar, deitar no telhado ou no chão
aramixiarami-ʃinwire, metal wirearame, (emprestimo antigo do Portugues [arame]
aramokara-mok, ara-amokənmushroom sp. big and yellowishcogumelo sp. grande fungo amareladoPolyporaceae
aranaknvine sp.cipó normal, esp.
aranamakarana makə, arana maknmushroom sp.agarico, cogumelo comestivel
aranathothoarana-thot, arana-thothonliana, vine sp.cipó, esp. grande
arapaarapa, apaVi/Vtperch (of birds), stand onpousar (de aves), empoleirar1.6.1.2Bird
arapaɨarapa-ɨvtinserting, to insert st.inseririndo, fincar- pegado
arapamoɨarapamo-ɨv ref.perching selfempoleirar-se
arapoɨarapo-ɨvtlay out on top, placing on topinstalar sobre
aras horomaitimaras horomai-timnWax-Tailed Plant-hoppers, cricket sp.grilos com rabo de cera (inseto esp.)
arasi1arasinmacaw (generic term)arara (termo generico)
arasi2arasinbutterfly (generic term)borboleta (termo genérico)Psittacidae
arasihiarasi-hinatree sp.árvore esp.1.5.1Tree
arasiweriarasi-weri, aras-werinalligator smalljacaretinga
araskohaisaras kohaisi (?)nscarlet macaw sp.arara vermelhaPsittacidae
arastxaiaras-tʃain true macaw (red, blue and green)verdadeira arara, vermelha e azul
araswakëiaras-tʃainred macaw sp.arara PirangaPsittacidae
araxariaraʃarindolphin, fresh water dolphinboto, golfinho de agua doce
aremkokarem-kokntermite round house on a treeninho redondo de cupim, nas árvoresTermitidae1.5.1Tree
aremkokthaɨaremkok tha-ɨvtmaking termites, inside termite housesfazendo casa de cupim
ariarinold term for tubers and rootstermo antigo para raízes e tuberaceae