
abawaabawápl.abawafɔFrom:Hausaabawamistressnmaidservant; young serving girlAbawa akʋ bʋtowun asʋn amʋ́ awie wa, tsufɛ awie amʋ akʋ bʋbʋ owuntɔlɩ.Some maidservants suffer under their mistress, because some of the mistress are cruel.
abrɩwaabrɪwa(H)pl.mbrɩwaFrom:Akanabrɩwanold womanAkʋkrʋwa mʋa abrɩwa tegyi mba.Old men and women are friendly with one another.Syntsɩdɛhɛntɔold womanhoodcfakʋkrʋwaold man2.6.4.5Old person2.6.5.2Woman
nana2nana voc.1old woman vocative formNɛ́tɩ mɩ sɩ ntɛ mɩ yín mʋ yín Nana. I will call my father or my mother's mother, grandmother. person2.6.5.2Woman2vocative addressed to various godsNana BuluGod, the creator.Nana SiaMain land god of NkonyacfBuluGod
obitebiobitebíʔ pl.mbitebinyoung womanObitebi anyɔpʋ tɛlɩɩ tɩntɩ. A young woman's breast stands tall (doesn't sag).Ɔyasubi mʋa obitebi bʋtonu aba asɩ. Young men and young women understand each other (they share common experiences).cfotsibigirlɔyasubiyoung man2.6.5.2Woman2.6.4.3Youth
omenyapʋomeɲapʊ́pl.amenyapʋder. ofnya ɔmɛ́comp. ofnya 1ɔmɛ́ 3ɔ- -pʋnpregnant woman2.6.3.1Pregnancy2.6.5.2Woman
otsibiot͡sibipl.atsibider. ofɔtsɩ-bingirlcfobitebiyoung womanɔyasubiyoung man2.6.5.2Woman2.6.4.3Youth
oyínoyĩ́pl.ayíncontractionyínnmotherMʋ yín gyi ɔtsɩ anfɩ, tsufɛ mʋ lɔkwɩɩ mʋ.His mother is this woman, because she gave birth to him., mother2.6.5.2Woman
ɔna2ɔnápl.aná2contractionna3n1grandmotherMɩ aná gyi mɩ sɩ pʋ́ mɩ yɩn ayín. My grandmothers are my father and mother's mothers.Ntɛtɩ mɩ na mbɛɛ, "Nana".I call my grandmother "Nana".Mɩ bi ɔkwɩɩ obi a, kebi gyi mɩ ɔna.When my child gives birth to a child, that child is my grandchild., grandmother2grandchildMɩ sɩ pʋ́ mɩ yín akwɩɩpʋ ɛ a, amʋ́ na gyi mɩ.I am a grandchild to the parents of my father and my mother., granddaughter
ɔtrapʋɔtrá!pʊ́pl.atrapʋnthe mother of a new-born babyIlehian ánɩ́ ɔtrapʋ ɔbɛ́ha mʋ bi nyɔpʋ nɩ mɔtsɔ-mɔtsɔ kʋraa lɛha nfi nyɔ.It is necessary that the mother of a newly born baby should breast feed her child at least for two years.Ɔtrapʋ amʋ lakpa ohuam, mɛnɩ ɔbɔ́wa ɔfan. The mother who has just delivered has applied balm so that she will have a fine scent., mother2.6.5.2Woman
ɔtsɩɔt͡sɪʔ(H) pl.atsɩnwomanƆtsɩ anfɩ a, abi oyín wanklaan ogyi, tsufɛ ɔtɛkɩ mʋ abisʋ wanklaan. This woman is a good mother because she looks after her children well.ɔtsɩsʋ fɩtɛengageder.otsibigirl
tasiitásǐːpl.atasiinreciprocal relationship between a child and his/her Father's sister. Each will call the other "Tasii"Mɩ atasii bʋ ɔkpa dɔ mɩ sɩ ɔsʋlʋ, tsufɛ botsu abusuan ɩkʋlɛtɔ. Mɩ nakuma ma ɔkpa dɔ mɩ sɩ ɔsʋlʋ, tsufɛ mʋ abusuan igyi ɔtsan.My paternal aunts has the right to clear my father's land because they are from the same family. My maternal aunt has no right to clear my father's land because their families are different., aunt2.6.5.2Woman4., niece
tsɩhɛt͡sɪ́hɛ́adj.femaleopio tsɩhɛsistercf-hɛADJECTIVEizertsɩfemale1.6.7Male and female animals2.6.5.2Woman
tsɩt͡sɪnwomanhoodcftsɩhɛfemale1.6.7Male and female animals2.6.5.2Womancomp.tsɩdɛhɛntɔwomanhood, old
-yintseyint͡seclasssfxa woman from a certain townEsi Mansa otsu Nkonya Ntumda; Ntumdayintse ogyi.Esi Mansa comes from Nkonya Ntumda; she's an Ntumda woman..