Father, mother

mama1mamavoc.way of calling your mother4., mother
oyínoyĩ́pl.ayíncontractionyínnmotherMʋ yín gyi ɔtsɩ anfɩ, tsufɛ mʋ lɔkwɩɩ mʋ.His mother is this woman, because she gave birth to him., mother2.6.5.2Woman
ɔkwɩɩpʋɔkʷɪ̌ːpʊ́pl.akwɩɩpʋder. ofkwɩɩɔ- -pʋnparentLehian ánɩ́ ɔkwɩɩpʋ-gyi-ɔkwɩɩpʋ ɔbɔ́dwɛ mʋ bi, mɛnɩ kebi amʋ ɛ ɔbɔ́dwɛ aha.It is necessary for every parent to love his/her child in order that the child will also love people.Akwɩɩpʋ bʋma tɩrɛ amʋ́ abi ansɩtɔ, mɛnɩ nyebi amʋ bʋmɔ́ɔbwɛ atɩrɛpʋ.Parents should not quarrel in front of their children so that the children will not become quarrelsome children., mother
ɔsɩɔsɪ́pl.asɩ3contractionnfatherOyin amʋ mʋ bʋ nkpa. Alabwɛ akʋkrʋwa.The man's father is living. He has become an old man.Lehian ánɩ́ kebi okugyiɔkʋ obobu mʋ sɩ wanklaan mɛnɩ mʋ ɛ ɔbɛ́kɩ mʋ bi sʋ.It is necessary that every child will respect his father so that the father also looks after his child well., mother
ɔtrapʋɔtrá!pʊ́pl.atrapʋnthe mother of a new-born babyIlehian ánɩ́ ɔtrapʋ ɔbɛ́ha mʋ bi nyɔpʋ nɩ mɔtsɔ-mɔtsɔ kʋraa lɛha nfi nyɔ.It is necessary that the mother of a newly born baby should breast feed her child at least for two years.Ɔtrapʋ amʋ lakpa ohuam, mɛnɩ ɔbɔ́wa ɔfan. The mother who has just delivered has applied balm so that she will have a fine scent., mother2.6.5.2Woman
papa2pâːpávoc.way of calling your fatherPapa nobwipa, ha mɩ kɔba.Father I beg you, give me money., mother