Prepared food

abounaboũ(H)From:Akanabomungreens and meat fried in oil and served over sliced yam or riceBʋtɔpʋ aboun gyi ampesie mʋ́a ɩmɔ.They eat stew with slice (yam) and rice. food
akaʋakaʊ́ʔ(H) adj.cooked in the skin; used only of cocoyamMankani ánɩ́ igyi putuputu, fʋmɛ́ɛtalɩ sre mʋ́ a, bʋtɛnɩna mʋ́ afwɩtɔ. mʋ́gyi akaʋ nɩ. Cocoyam that is very small, you will not be able to peel it, they always cook it in its skin. This is akaʋ. shell, skin5.2.3.4Prepared food
apondoapondó(H) nday old fufuApondo gyi fufu ánɩ́ ɔyɩ lakɛ mʋ́sʋ. Aha tsɔtsɔɔtsɔ bʋtekle mʋ́ gyi, tsufɛ mʋ́a abɛ oputsu bʋ agyilɛ. Apondo is fufu that the world has lightened on. Many people like to eat it because it and palm nut soup have palatability.Apondo is fufu from overnight. Many people like it because it is good with palm nut soup., remainder5. in mortar and pestle5.2.3.4Prepared food
atogyihɛatoʤihɛcomp. ofatɔ 1gyi2 1nfoodBʋtɔpʋ agbodi bwɛ atogyihɛ tsɔtsɔɔtsɔ. Ɩkʋ aná gyi; gari, konkonte pʋ́ agbodi mbɔdɩ.They take cassava and make many foods. Some of these are, gari, konkonte, and cassava porridge. food
bodobodobodobodoʔnbreadOyinbi ɔkʋ bʋ nfɩ ánɩ́ ɔbʋ atɩkɔ bodobodo atuntu anu.A boy is here that has five millet bread buns.Bʋdɛ bodobodo amʋtɔ obuntɔ.They are baking bread in an oven.Paya mʋ́a bodobodo bʋ agyilɛ dʋbɩ. Avocado and bread are very tasty. foodcomp.bodobodo maɩnhɛbuns
bodobodo maɩnhɛcomp. ofbodobodomaɩn 1-hɛnbunsMahɔ bodobodo kahɛ, mboun hɔ maɩnhɛ ba mɩ. Don't buy the cut bread, instead buy buns. food
dablundablũ(H) From:Ewedabluna stew made with pieces of meat and water yam and with salt, pepper, tomatoes and onionsMmɛ́ɛtalɩ gyi ampesie kpan, sʋ bɔ dablun, mɛnɩ nénya oputsu nun. I will not be able to eat slice plain so cook dablun so that I will get soup and eat.Nɩ fówuli nyɔmba a, fégyankpa bɔ mʋ́ dablun, fówun fasa oputsu amʋ lɛ mʋ́tɔ, wuli faasɩ amʋ, wa nfɔ mʋ́tɔ, bwɛ nyɔmba.If you will make nyɔmba, you will first make dablun so that then you will take soup stock from it, and stir the water yam, and put oil in it, and so make nyɔmba.cfnyɔmbamashed yam5.2.3.4Prepared food
dɔkʋnʋdɔkʊ́nʊ́nkenkey; fermented maizemealBʋtɔpʋ kpoli nɩna dɔkʋnʋ.They use maize to cook kenkey.Pɩm kpoli amʋ apʋbwɛ dɔkʋnʋ fututu.Pound the maize so that we can make white kenkey. in mortar and pestle5.2.3.4Prepared food5.2.1.1Cooking methods
fɛflɛfɛflɛ(L)nmaize porridgeNɩ fɔpʋ trʋkpa wuli fɛflɛ a, ɩtɔwa ɔfan dʋbɩ. If you use billy goat (meat) and stir maize porridge, it has a fine scent.cfkookoporridge5. in mortar and pestle5.2.3.4Prepared food
fufufufu (H)From:Akanfufucfgyi2eat/interact
nfufu; pounded starchy foodMankani mʋ́a agbodi fufu bʋ ɔdwɛ dʋn igyo fufu.Cocoyam and cassava fufu is sweeter than yam fufu. in mortar and pestle5.2.3.4Prepared food
galigalíunspec. var.garingari; cassava porridgeGali gyi atogyihɛ ánɩ́ Nhuanfɔ bʋtekle mʋ́ asʋn.Gari is food that the Ewes like so much. in mortar and pestle5.2.3.4Prepared food
igyopiniʤopĩnyam slice5. from roots5.2.1.2Steps in food preparation6.2.1.2Growing roots5.2.3.4Prepared food
ipinipĩnsmall loaf5.2.3.4Prepared food
konkontekõkõnteAkankonkontendried cassava porridgeNoyokwi mɩ agbodi anflɔɩ mʋ́ fɩta bwɛ mʋ́ konkonte. I am going to dig cassava so that I can peel it, dry it and make it into konkonte.Mɩ konkonte amʋ ndewuli amʋ lada ɔblɩn, sʋ nɩ fʋbʋ konkonte nfuo a, ha mɩ ɩkʋ. My cassava porridge that I am stirring has become too thin so if you have cassava flour give me some.Nagyi konkonte wulihɛ mʋ́a kɩtɩba oputsu. Ɔkɛ nyankɩ ɛ, négyi mʋ́ odikpini. I ate stirred konkonte with groundnut soup. Tomorrow morning also I will eat leftover konkonte.cfkookoporridgeodikpinileftover konkonte1.3.3.1Dry5.2.1.2Steps in food preparation5.2.3.4Prepared food
kookokóːkó nmaize porridge drinkKooko amʋ ɩdɩn ogya amʋ lapi dʋbɩ, sʋ wa ntsu mʋ́tɔ. The kooko on the fire has thickened too much so put some water in.cffɛflɛmaize porridgekonkonteporridgenyɔmbamashed yam5.2.3.4Prepared food
lɛ oputsuph. v. of4oputsuvto make soupNɔ́pʋ tɔnsɩ amʋ nakwɛ amʋ lɛ oputsu. I will use the pepper I have ground to make soup. food
mbɔdɩ2mbɔdɪ́(H) nporridgeBʋtɔpʋ agbodi bwɛ atogyihɛ tsɔtsɔɔtsɔ. Ɩkʋ aná gyi gari, konkonte pʋ́ agbodi mbɔdɩ. They take cassava and make many foods. Some of these are: gari, konkonte, and cassava porridge.Agbodi mbɔdɩ bʋ ɔdwɛ.Cassava porridge is sweet.Nahɔ kpoli pʋ́ agbodi mbɔdɩ ndewuli. I have bought fermented maize and cassava dough and I am stirring it. food
mpesiempesie pl.ampesieFrom:Akanampesiensliced yam or plantainMmɛtalɩ wɩ ampesie sʋ nɔ́wɔ fufu. I am not be able to chew slice so I will pound fufu.Igyo ampesie mʋ́a kontomere aboun bʋ ɔdwɛ.Yam slice with kontomere stew is sweet. from roots5.2.3.4Prepared food
mpupubimpupubi nsmall flakes or scraps; especially of meatBɔtɔsɩ mpupubi amʋ lesian amʋ a, lɛbla alakpa dʋanyɔ tsu atɩkɔ bodobodo atuntu anu amʋ begyi amʋtɔ. They picked up the small scraps that were left and filled twelve baskets from the five millet buns they had been eating from.cfmpuremnants8. food
nkrawaŋkrawana light soup prepared without palm nuts or ground nutsOwisʋ ɩkɩta fu a, nkrawa bʋalɛ ha fʋ.If you have fever, light soup is very good for you. food
nyɔmbaɲɔmbá nmashed yam with palm oilƆtsɩ amʋ dɛ faasɩ nyɔmba wuli. The woman is stirring mashed water yam.cfdablunstewkookoporridgepupumash5.2.3.4Prepared food
odikpiniodik͡piniʔ nleftover dried cassava porridgeNagyi konkonte mʋ́a kɩtɩba oputsu. Ɔkɛ nyankɩ ɛ, négyi mʋ́ odikpini. I have eaten konkonte with groundnut soup. Tomorrow morning also, I will eat leftover konkonte.cfkonkonteporridge6. cassava8.1.7.4Remain, remainder5.2.3.4Prepared food
oputsuoput͡súʔnsoupNɩ oputsu ta atogyihɛtɔ a, ɩma agyilɛ. If the soup in the food finishes it is not easy to eat.Bʋtɔpʋ abɛ, kɩtɩba, ndawun ana pʋ lɛ oputsu.They use palm nuts, ground nuts, okra and so on to prepare soup.Nɔ́pʋ tɔnsɩ amʋ nakwɛ amʋ lɛ oputsu. I will use the pepper I have ground to make soup. foodph. v.lɛ oputsusoup, make
tuntutuntupl.atuntunfruit or food in a round form; e.g. avocado; mango; pawpaw; kenkey; breadKɛlɩ oyi a, mʋ́ tuntu amʋ ɩtɛfa wunya dantapu.A silk cotton tree's pod always bursts and spreads fluff.Oyinbi ɔkʋbʋ nfɩ ánɩ́ ɔbʋ atɩkɔ bodobodo atuntu anu.A boy is here that has five millet bread buns. from fruit5.2.3.4Prepared food
wʋdɩwʊ́dɪ́nmillet porridgeBʋtɔpʋ atse gyi wʋdɩ.Beans are eaten with porridge.They eat beans with porridge.Bʋtɔkwɛ atɩkɔ nfuo pʋ wuli wʋdɩ, bʋtɔpʋ bwɛ nta igyi pitoo.They grind millet flour and stir it into a porridge. They make a fermented drink called Pito from it. food