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Browse Vernacular - English


kicicíumávare you?
kicícuccáákévyou two comb yourselves
kicícuccáákéumávyou pl. comb yourselves
kicííl̓ámvyou pl. should eat
kiciiq̓úúlivyou two gamble
kiciiq̓úúlumávyou pl. gamble
kicinúmmaamáyumávyou pl. burn it
kicinum̓áátumávyou pl. sleep
kicissáámumávyou pl. sell
kicissíumáv1you pl. say2you (pl) drink
kicisúúlaʽáyíumávyou are glad
kicisy̓ívyou two say
kícíttʰééwammávdid you (pl.) hear?
kicituut̓íísumávyou pl. shoot
kicíuwívyou two want
kícíuwíumávyou pl. want
kicíwaptévyou two go back
kicooc̓ickavyou pl. are bitten
kicóóc̓íckavyou plural were bit
kicóómaatánumivdid you look down away?
kicóósávyou two drank
kícóósiikumávyou pl. hunt toward here
kícóósiimumávyou pl. hunt yonder
kicóósíumávyou pl. hunt
kicóótʰééwívdid you two hear?

Publication Status

Rough draft

Self-reviewed draft

Community-reviewed draft

Consultant approved

Finished (no formal publication)

Formally published