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Browse Vernacular - English


taam̓oomiNhundred (in a pile)
táániim̓aymiptcpgo into
taapaac̓ukíptcpthrow across hither
taapaac̓umíptcpthrow across thither
taapacl̓íwptcpthrow back and forth
taapác̓wakvthrow it across over there!
taapác̓wamvthrow it across over here!
táápáktewacilóoN1mock-orange2bush that toggle sticks are made from
taapamvthrow it!
taapámvput it down!
taapám̀vput one down
taapámciptcpset it down
taapámcóovplace it
táápástumv1put (a stone) on a shelf!2put (a stone) on (a shelf)
taapástumiptcpput on top
táápástumíptcpput (stone) on shelf
taapééc̓umvthrow it while going along!
taapééc̓umíptcpthrow while going along
táápeetukóovput it under!
taapétwakvput it under!
táápímcóvstand up stuck in the ground!
táápl̓aamíícanoʼoyNscraps of leftover food

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