Achumawi - English

cʰit̓onomsplitcʰit̓ cʰit̓ ucíʼ. splits straight (sugar pine for shakes). (LR 12/24/73.4)
cʰoqRcvcpainttuucʰóóqi. paint. (LR 9/5/73:6)tuucʰóóqa! paint it! (LR 9/5/73:6)y̓áácʰóóqí. he's painting. (LR 9/5/73:7)uucʰóóqákéʼ. painted. (LR 9/5/73:7)lhuucʰóóqumáwe paint
cʰuconomdragcʰuc cʰuc walúúc̓uumí, cʰuc cʰuc tilúúc̓óm! drag it!má ánca ó tyíís̓ííní , wé , qa tóóloll̓íní amqʰá íícóóyí , iluucʰúcc̓am qa ámmú tyíís̓ííní , ma waw̓á qa ámmú tyíís̓ííní .And then she said, everything that has to be done, you two drag that log, that big log, she said.c̓é tíluucʰúcc̓um!not drag it!
cʰumáwaloanName of a town in Oregon, location of a boarding school
cʰúút̓ac̓pro-formwhen?unspec. comp. form ofcʰút̓ac̓2
cʰúúwíNdeerhide with hair on it
cʰuwíl̓nameplace name

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