Achumawi - English


sac̓uuqʰééqivI tear with point
sac̓uuq̓éésivI break with point
sac̓uuq̓íísivI break with point
sac̓waaq̓íísiv ‎‎I break it with teeth
sac̓wac̓ííláyláqcivI twist with teeth
saháámástumínívI throw (deer) onto
sah̓áámástumínívI throw (deer) over (horse's back)
sah̓astámcivI yawn
sah̓aw̓asóómivI blow thither
sah̓iikáálivI dance
sah̓iiq̓áálivI butt, hit with head
sah̓iiq̓íísiv ‎‎I break it with head
sah̓íít̓úscívI spat
sáh̓íít̓úswamívI spit
sáh̓íít̓úswámívI spat into
sah̓íít̓úsw̓amívI spit it out`
sah̓íít̓úúsamívI spit it out
sah̓íít̓úúsivI spit
sáh̓íít̓úúsumívI spat out
sah̓ikkáálivI dance
sah̓ílláátiwivI'm swimming
sáh̓isaswacívI hold it up with head
sáh̓oomívI run
sah̓túmmicivI bounce
sáh̓tuuy̓acívI filled it