*tánɛ́yevEngto findFrntrouverLinkokutaAgɛná na nyé antáné abáke kópa kó. He went with the food and met his father there in the forest.*tanánɛ́yeder.dial. var.*tuwánɛ́yevEngmeet withFrnse rencontrerLinkokutana
tátepl.ɓatátenEngthingFrnchoseLinelokoƁú ɓé ɓɔ́ɔ "ndéngé tíná máginíndé kópa mpé mábale táte mpé mábia mátɛ́ke. They said thus, “The way you went hunting, and found things, and you came to sell it. "
*tátɛ́gɛ́yevEngto tie thoroughlyFrnlier fortementLinkokanga makasi
*táwɛ́yedial. var.*táawvEngto sweep upFrnbalayerLinkolɔkotoAsia nɛtáwuwa nɛ́ɗuka sopaní ekolo.When I finish sweeping up, I will pour [them] into the basket.
*táyɛ́yevEngto hook (a fish)Frnsaisir (un poisson avec un hameçon)Linkokanga