Romblomanon - English



lāsikvSomething is thrown by someone by hand or with the aid of a stick.'ilāsik'Adtu 'ang bukun mānu 'imaw 'ang mabantay sa malayu' kung sa di'in 'ilāsik 'ang syātu'.The one who is not the lead player is the one who will guard in a far place where the syātu' stick will be thrown [by flicking it with another syatu stick].
lastikuna rubber band, a strip of rubber, a strip of elasticNang 'ūna 'aku 'ay ma'isut pa 'aku nagakānam ning trumpu kag lastiku.Long ago when I was still small I used to play with playing tops and rubber bands.'Ang ginggāmit ni Naldu nga pangbugkus hay lastiku.As for the material used by Naldo for tying [it] is strips of rubber.cfgūmansīpa' lastiku1na game of kick-the-rubber-bands'Ini 'ang kānam nga sīpa' lastiku, 'ang ginagāmit 'ini diri, hay lastiku da nga nababakay sa tindāhan.As for this game of kick-the-rubber-bands, as for these things that are used, [they] are rubber bands which can be bought at a store.
lāsuna ribbonGinabutang 'ini ninda sa 'inda buhuk 'ang lāsu kung sinda hay may ginakadtu'an; labi na gid kung sinda hay masimba.This ribbon is put in their hair by them if there is a place to which they are going, especially when they will go to church.
lāsugna testicle of a malenlāsug muinjyour testicles!An offensive interjection malaw'ay nga hambayānun spoken to someone to indicate anger or extreme displeasure with that person.
laswavSomeone or something moves, moves away from, separates off from a particular place, someone, something else.'ilaswa'Adtu naman 'ang manga lakut nga bukun "'aswang", hay 'imaw 'adtu 'ang mabūguy nang lāta hasta gid nga 'ilaswa.As for those chosen who are not the "ghost", those will be the ones who will throw [a slipper] at the empty can until it will be removed [from the circle].naglaswavAn object is removed by someone from another object, from a given place.Kung pagsīpa' mu hay waya' ning naglaswa, 'ang 'īmu naman kalāban 'ang masīpa'.If when you kick [those rubber bands] nothing separates off, your opponent is the one who will kick [them].
lat'asvSomeone crosses a river or stream.naglat'as crossed a river or stream
lātana tin can; any commercially fabricated can for canned fruits, liquids, meat, vegetablesButangan mu 'ang lāta ning ma'isut nga būhu' nga 'adtu 'ang ma'īgu' lang 'ang sinsilyu nga kwarta parīhu nang dyis, baynti singku, salapi', kag pīsu.[The lid of] a tin can should have a little hole put into [it] that coins of money will just fit through such as ten centavos, twenty-five centavos, fifty centavos, and one sixteen liter metal utility can'Ang lūgit nga sinaksak, 'ipī'ut mu sa lāta kag huwarun sa kustal.As for the copra which was chopped into pieces, put it into a utility can and transfer it into a sack.Undesirable condition: buhus has a hole; lunut crumpled.cfbaldiUsed for fetching and storing water, for transporting substances such as copra, marble chips, sand, rice; commonly reinforced at the top with wooden strips and with a wooden handle. A square variety is used without reinforced strips or handle as a measuring can for grains such as corn, mung beans, rice or chips such as marble, copra in commercial trade, borrowing, paying harvesters.meas na nonspecific or specific number of sixteen-liters; a volume measurement19, Dry or Liquid Volume Measurementmeas nlāta nga sa gatasanna milk can, usually a commercially made can into which powdered milk is placed'Ini naman 'ang kānam nga tutupung, hay 'ang gāmit lang gid 'ini hay lāta nga sa gatasan; 'imaw 'ini 'ang ginahuman nga sikyū'an.As for this game tag-the-can, that used for this [game] is an [empty] milk can; this is used as the home base.lināta, nilātaadvSomething is bought or sold by the utility can measure.Kung nilāta naman 'ang pagbakay nang kamūti hay kwarinta 'ang 'isa ka lāta.If buying is by the utility can, the buying price of sweet potatoes is forty [pesos] for one sixteen-liter measure.
lata'adjFood is overcooked.'Ang 'ākun kinalāyu hay lata' gāni' bukun kanāmit nga ka'ūnunun.My cooked rice is overcooked, so it is not delicious to eat.vFood becomes overcooked.naglāta' became overcooked
latabna mojarra fishThere are three species of mojarra fish recognized with this designation: deep-bodied Gerres abbreviatus (Beeker); common Gerres Oyena; longfin Pentaprion longimanus.; It has a very deep body, an indistinct dusky line running along the scale rows and a narrow, black margin on its dorsal fin.
latakvSomething, as a coconut, is broken or cut open by someone.latak, paglatakgersomeone's breaking or cutting open somethingPagkatāpus latak nang niyug, ginabu'uy 'ang buybuy nga nabilin.After breaking open the coconut fruits, the fibers which were left are removed.Pagkatāpus bīlang nang manga binu'uk nga niyug pwīdi na nga tunā'an paglatak pāra makatūyu' 'ang niyug.After counting the whole coconut pieces it is possible to start now breaking [them] open so that the coconuts will be able to drip.nilatak'Ang līkid nga pagkamāda nang niyug nga nilatak hay 'agnānay 'ang pagkalūtu'.As for the placing on edge in arranging the coconuts which have been broken open, the cooking takes a long time.
lati'synkwartu2 'ika'upat nga lati'adjThe moon is in its fourth quarter.'ikaduha nga lati'adjThe moon is in its second quarter.Ma'āyu kunu magtanum ning balinghuy kung 'ikaduha nga lati' kay naga'unud kunu 'ini.It is said that it is good to plant cassava when [the moon] is in its second quarter because it is said that they will develop tubers.'ikatuyu nga lati'adjThe moon is in its third quarter.lati', primīru nga lati'adjThe moon is in its first quarter.synkwartu2
lāti'na woodlotGāni' siru'a nyan sa 'iban nga lugar nga 'ang 'inda lāti' hay 'upaw na; kundi' ma'isut lang nga 'uyan; sigurādu gid nga baha' na 'ang 'inda lugar.Look now in other places where their woodlots are already denuded; therefore there is only a little rain; surely their area will be flooded now.cfkaguyāngan2nkalatī'anna woodlot area'Ang māya, kung nagapūgad hay sa kalatī'an.As for chestnut manikins, when [they] build nests [they] are in woodlot areas.A woodlot is privately owned and consists of trees, shrubs and grass. It is an area that is potentially used for constructing an upland field 'uma.cfkaguyāngan2
latikncoconut milk extract scumBāgu mu masayūran nga lūtu' na 'ang lāna, mapuya na 'ang latik.Before you will know that the [coconut] oil is cooked, the coconut milk extract scum is already red (i.e., a rusty-brown color).In boiling down coconut milk extract gata' 1 to make coconut oil lāna nang niyug, a rusty-brown scum forms on the surface which is skimmed off.
latunvSomeone or something passes across, passes by an object or passes through a substance or several scattered'āgipagkalīpasnaglatunlatunDidtu kami nagsalta sa 'Isla Puting Batu; kahuga'hūga' kay waya' pantalan; hay naglatunlatun kami sa manga batil na manga sira'.We disembarked at Puting Bato Island; it was very difficult because there was no pier [so] little by little we passed through those destroyed one-sail outrigger boats."Bāsi'," hambay ku, "ya' kami nagalatun kag didtu kami masakay sa dyip nga pa 'ilāya?""Why", I said, "do we not pass across [the street] and we will ride on a jeep which will [go] to the interior?"palatununti gerafter or upon someone's passing across, passing by an object or through a substance or several scattered objectsKung 'ang buyung nga lumay hay palatunun mu sa lawud, hay kadilikādu gid 'ina'.When [you carry] magical love potion medicine, upon your passing across the open sea, that is very risky.cflīpas
law'aycfmasantingkalaw'ayvarmalaw'ayadjSomeone is bad with regard to character; someone or something is not good to look at; a particular word or sentence is bad to hear or say; something is useless.Mas ma'āyu pa 'ang waya' kung kalaw'ay siya ning batāsan.It is better to have no [husband] if he has a bad character.Pinalapitan si Milba nang 'iya nanay, kag hinambay nga "Milba, 'ayaw mag'una'una; kalaw'ay nga siru'un nga 'ang 'īmu nubyu hay na'u'ulihi."Melba was approached by her mother and she said, "Melba, don't go first because it is not good to look at, that your fiancé went behind."'Adtu hay kaluma'lūma' na nga barūtu kag kalaw'ay pa.As for that, [it] is already a very old boat and useless.cfsanting
lāwa'na spider'Ang 'iya ginatuka' nga pagkā'un hay 'ang langawlangaw, lāwa', 'ūyud kag tibakya.As for that food which it (i.e., yellow-backed sunbird) eats by pecking, [they] are moths, spiders, worms and grasshoppers.
lawanitnpressed board, used for walling
lāwasnthe body of a person, living being, an object; the trunk of a treeNagapāti sinda nga mabū'ut kag ma'āyu 'ang lāwas nang lapsag kung sa nanay nagasūsu.They believe that the body of the baby is healthy and strong when it is breast fed.Mahāba' 'ang lāwas nang 'amumu'pu'.The body of a small octopus is long.Si Rūni 'ang ma'āyu maghuman ning lāwas nang traysikul.Ronnie is good in making bodies of motorized pedicabs.nkalawāsanna body partManga masakit na 'ang manga kalawāsan.The various parts of [my] body are now all painful.