Romblomanon - English



tū'igna yearSa manga masunud nga 'ig, magakūli' na 'ang 'isda' sa dāgat kay 'ang manga miyugpangisda' hay nagagāmit ning palūpuk.In years to come, fish in the ocean will become scarce because fishermen are using explosives.meas na nonspecific or specific number of years; a time measurementNumbers one through ten or pila are followed by ka tū'ig; numbers above ten are commonly followed by nga tū'ig.Nagtudlu' si 'Uhin didtu ning tuyu ka 'ig kag pagkatāpus nagtrabāhu naman siya sa Malaysia ning tatlu da gihāpun ka tū'ig kag bāgu nadistīnu diri siya sa Pilipīnas.Ohin taught there for three years and afterwards he worked in Malaysia for another three years and before [he] was assigned here in Philippines.meas nBag'ung tū'ig2nNew Year's day; i.e., the first day of JanuaryPamāti' kamu kung 'anu nga hāyup 'ang 'ūna nindu nga mabati'an nga maghūni kung Bag'ung tū'ig, hambay ni Lūla.You listen for which animal is the first one that will be heard by you to call when it is New Year's day, said Grandmother.gingtu'igtū'igCompare kāda tū'ig 'every year.'Gingtu'igtū'ig ni Silma 'ang pagta'u niya ning kwarta sa 'iya nanay.Her giving of money to her mother was done every year by Selma.panū'ig2first-crop seasoncfpanag'ārawtinū'igadjSomething happens yearly.Tinū'ig kung si Ramun nagabisīta sa 'iya ginikānan.It is yearly when Ramon visits his parents.tu'igtū'ig1adjEvery year something happens.Tu'igtū'ig si Nilda hay nagakari sa Rumblun.Every year, as for Nelda, [she] comes to Romblon.2vSomething is done every year by someone.
tu'ipvSomeone learns to do something.nakatu'ipNakatu'ip is predicate, the person learning is topic, and that learned is a phrase introducrd by an optional nga.Sinda hay nakatu'ip nga magbinuligan, kung sin'u 'ang nagakahinangyan ning būlig.As for them, they learned to help each other, whoever needed help.
tū'u2vSomeone believes in or trusts in God, religion, someone else, something.cfginapatīhannagasambapātisambaginatu'ūhan'Ang manga tāwu nga 'ang rilihiyun hay katuliku dāmu' nga manga santus 'ang ginatu'ūhan.As for people whose religion is Catholic there are many saints who are believed in by them.nagatū'uvGod, someone, a religion, something is believed in or trusted by someone.Kung kita hay katuliku nagatū'u kita sa manga santus.If we are Catholics we believe in various saints.pagtū'u2nbelief, faith, trust in God, religion, someone else, somethingHay 'ang kahinangyānun ta gid hay 'ang mabaskug nga pagtū'u sa Dyus.What was really need by us was strong faith in God.Faith is commonly in the teachings or tenets of a religious system; in prayer for the cure of sickness or to bring blessing; in omens to fortell the nature of future events; a report; a person , especially what he or she says; someone's character, integrity, and the like. A formal word.cfpātisamba
tū'ubvA herbalist miyugbūyung administers an astringent vapor medicine to someone else consisting of an astringent such as alum crystals or storax gum.nagatū'ubvSomeone is administered an astringent vapor medicine by someone else.'Ina' 'ang nagatū'ub ning kamangyan kag tāwas sa may sakit, 'ipalībut mu 'ina' ka pitu sa 'iya.When you administer an astringent vapor medicine with storax gum and alum crystals, it should be circled around that [sick] one by you seven times.Gintū'ub ku si Birta ning tāwas kag kamangyan.Bertha was administered an astringent vapor medicine by me with alum crystals and storax gum.Live coals are placed in a half coconut shell and an astringent is sprinkled on top. The herbalist walks around the patient seven times holding the bottom of the shell low down so the smoke will go to the patient. The number seven is a magical number intended to relieve the patient.
tū'udantkabaliskarankamatu'ūran21nthe truth'Ang hambay ni Plurintīna, "Patīhi 'aku kay nagahambay 'aku sa 'īmu ning kamatu'ūran."Florentina said, "I should be believed because I am telling you the truth."2vSomething comes true.matū'udadjSomething is true.Maghīpus kamu! Bukun matū'ud 'ang 'indu manga ginahambay.Keep quiet! The things you say are not true.Kung matū'ud siya nga palangga' nang 'iya 'āmu, bāsi' waya' siya ginatratūha ning ma'āyu?If it is true that he is loved by his employer why is it that he is not being treated well?Bīsan barātu matū'ud 'ang litsun.It is true that even the roasted pork was cheap.nagmatū'udNang 'aku hay nagpananamgu nga nakatāma' 'aku ning kabahuy nga 'isda' hay nagmatū'ud.When I dreamed that I was able to hit a big fish [with the spear gun, it] came true.pagkamatū'udntruthGinapalabilābi ku sa pagkamatū'ud kay ma'āyu gihāpun 'ang manga tāwu sa 'ākun kag kadāmu' pa da 'ang nagarispītu sa 'ākun.In truth [that] is what I am proud of because the people are still good and many still respect me.antkabaliskāran
tū'umvFood is cooked in a banana leaf over live coals by someone.ginatū'umGinahālu' da 'ini sa 'ūtan kag ginatū'um da 'ini.These [amamakuy mushrooms] are also mixed with coconut flavored vegetables and are cooked in a banana leaf over live coals.tinu'umnthat cooked in a banana leaf over live coals, as food or a medicinal plasterPagkalampas nang baynti minūtus lūtu' na 'adtu 'ang tinu'um.After twenty minutes that cooked in a banana leaf over live coals is already cooked.Paglīgad nang lima ka minūtus ha'ūnun na 'ang tinu'um nga 'implastu.After five minutes, the medicinal plaster cooked in a banana leaf over live coals should be removed from over the fire.tu'ūmunBumu'uy ning dāhun nang sāging kag putusun 'ang 'implastu nga ginghuman kag bugkusun 'ang dahun nang sāging; tapus tu'ūmun ning madali' lang.Get a banana leaf and the medicinal plaster which was made should be wrapped and the banana leaf should be tied in a bundle; then [it] should be cooked in the banana leaf over live coals for a short time.
tu'un2vSomeone finds out or learns something.makatu'unvSomething is learned by someone.'Ūras na pāra makatu'un ka nga maghīmu' ning bīsan 'anu.It is now time that you will be able to learn to do at least something [useful].nakatu'unNang 'aku nag'iskwīla naman sa grid pur, nakatu'un gid 'akuy pangāwat butung.When I was in grade four, I found out how to get young coconuts [without permission].natun'an'Ina' nga manga 'unga' hay waya' gid ning natun'an nga trabāhu.As for those children, there was no work that was able to be learned [by them].tinun'anKung gustu mu nga makatrabāhu hay ma'āyu, gāni' 'agud hay magāmit mu na 'ang 'īmu tinun'an.If you like to be able to work, that is good, so that you can use what was learned by you.
tu'ungvA baby experiences a difficult delivery in being born.magtu'ungGing'ūna ni Lāni 'ang 'iya 'unga' ning ma'āyu; gāni' waya' magtu'ung.Her baby was borne down on well by Lani; that's why [the baby] did not experience a difficult delivery.
tūbana tuba shrub or seedCroton tiglium (Linn.)Oil from the seeds is used medicinally and as fish poison.
tuba'ncoconut wineCoconut wine is measured for sale by the glass bāsu, four liter measuring bottle galun or one liter measuring bottle plastik 2. It is sold in stores tindāhan, and markets mirkādu.cflambanugntuba' nang niyug2ncoconut sap which flows from the inflorescence, collected for making coconut wine
tubasnakapatubasNakapatubas da kami ning tris mil pusu' nga ma'is.We were able to let three thousand ears of unshucked corn be'ānipatubascaus vSomeone lets something harvested.tubas, patūbasna harvest of corn or rice'Ang 'āmun lang tubas hay 'utsu kabānis kay 'inagīhan nang bagyu.Our harvest was only eighty cavans [of rice] because [our field] was passed through by a typhoon.Tyimpu makūli' 'adtu, kay 'umāgi 'adtu 'ang kakūli' nga patūbas.That was an impoverished time, because that scarce harvest passed through.
tūbi'nwaterGustu ku gid 'ina' ma'inum ning tūbi' 'ugāling kay waya' da 'aku may nakīta' nga tūbi' sa kaguyāngan.I really want to drink water but I was not able to find any water in the forest.'Inang 'ākun lang baldi 'ang sayūran ning tūbi'; ma'āyu 'ina' kay mabahuy.My pail is that into which the water should be caught; that [pail] is good because it is big.A part: tūyu' 'drop of water'.katubi'adjSomething, especially a vegetable is watery.'Ang tabu' hay katubi' nga 'utanun.The gourd is a watery vegetable.katubi'tubi'1adjno water at allWaya' na gid nyan; 'ābir 'ang tangki waya' na gid katubi'tubi'.Now there is really no more [water]; even [in] the water tank there is absolutely no water at all.2vSomeone has running water where they live.katubi'tūbi'int adjSomething, especially a vegetable is very watery.makatūbi'Diri sa 'ātun dāpat makatūbi' kita kay dāmu' diri 'ang ginabūhat nga manga kalīpay.Here in our place we should be able to have running water because there are many happy activities being held here.
tubigtubigna watery skin infectionConsists of itchy red welts with water underneath, caused by multiple insect bites or an alergy from plants or trees.vA body part becomes infected with a watery skin infection.gingtubigtubigGingtubigtubig 'ang siki nang 'unga' ni Biring kay gingkagat nang subay.The leg of Biring's child became infected with watery skin infections because she was bitten by ants.
tūbismatūbisadjSomeone is tidy in personal and work habits.Maswirti kunu 'ang lyāki nga nakaka'asāwa ning babāyi nga mahūgud kag matūbis.They say that a man is lucky who is truly able to marry a girl who is industrious and tidy.
tubtubsubord conjAn event happens or a state exists until another event happens or another state exists.Nagkāmang na 'ina' niyan 'ang sawa ning kadahandāhan lang tubtub nga naka'abut sinda sa 'inda ginkadtu'an.Now the snakes crawled very slowly until they arrived at the place where they went.synhasta hasta cfhābanghābanghasta hasta hasta kung kasan'ukung kasan'ukung kasan'ukung san'ukung san'umintras mintras mintras sa1 sa1 samantāla'samantāla'samantāla''ūras 'ūras subord conjtubtubannthe result of an action or situationNa'īsip nāmun mag'asawa kung 'anu 'ara' 'ang tubtuban 'ini niya nga pag'istādi.We married couple wondered what, perhaps, would be the result of this one's studying.
tubuna sugarcane plant or stalkSaccharum officinarum (Linn.)Bukun na tig'uyānun; bukun na tigtatānum ning tubu.It is not yet the rainy season; it is not yet time for planting sugarcane.Chewed as a snack food. The juice is added to coconut wine tuba' as a sweetener.adjSomeone is rich.Nang daw nakīta' ninda nga 'asinsu na, daw tubug na sinda.When they found out that they were already successful, it seemed [to them that] they were already rich.antpubri