Samo - English
-haen -haen sfx not or did not (past negative)
hafiyodo hafiyodo mod rotten, or bad (taste)
hafola hafola v1 to dry out, or become dry
hagen hagen what one says when one can't remember the name of something. whatsit, what do you call it
hahanda hanhanda hahanlobo odala v2 to become light
hai hai cf haiya n the underside or underneath part
haisoosoola haisoosoola cf nesomunla v1 1 strangle 2 to choke off, or strangle 3 to ignore
haiya haiya set from under teba haiya (sweep) from under the table cf n hai
hala 1 hala cf homen v1 to chop (a tree)
hala 2 hala cf dolo 1 var. of doda v1 to smoke or dry meat
halanfula hanlanfula v1 to pant
halela halela var. haebo cf sa haedo sub. of sa v3 for an event or occurrence to follow after another in sequence
hali hali set underneath, or under buoli hali under the chair
halomanla halomanla v1 to drain, or empty (of liquid)
haloola haloola var. haoobo v3 to refuse Yon haoobo. He refuses. Bu haoobo. Breast refused (weaned).
halugula halugula v1 1 dispose 2 to dispose of an initial act, such as blowing out the first inhilation of smoke or spitting out one's first bite of food 3 to cut, but not cut through
hamen oola hamen oola v1 to raid or attack
hamen ooman hamen ooman n a raid, or attack
han han not, negative han nanla that which is not usually eaten han ogola sub. han ogola flu or pneumonia