6.7.1. Cutting tool

guenknife that is attached to a bamboo pole to cut fruit from a treenaip ol i pasim long mambu6.7.1Cutting tool
gue kamanknife (curved)naip (i gat huk)6.7.1Cutting tool
gusan1oar, paddlepul7.2.4Travel2stick with a flat, sharpened end that is used for diggingstik bilong digim6.7.1.2Digging tool
jabuiyaknlarge hand planer with a flat blade used to plane large objects such as a canoe or house posts.samting bilong sapim ol diwaiDekii vala yalii jabuiyak tai giite, gi kabiiliit lakiitsadakiide.They carved the inside of their canoe with a large hand planer and finished that and they will pull it down to the river.Ol i go sapim insait bilong kanu bilong ol pinis, ol bai pulim i go daun long baret.6.7.1Cutting tool
kabisakunspade for digging a hole, traditionally made from black palmspet bilong digim hul, ol i bin woking long wail limbum na sapim6.7.1.2Digging tool
kamanknife (small)naip (liklik)6.7.1Cutting tool
kapkap🔊nlarge adze with a curved blade for carving out the inside of a dugout canoetamiok bilong digim bel bilong kanu6.7.1Cutting tool
katapmiinngrass knifesarip6.7.1Cutting tool
kulanaxe, adzetamiok6.7.1Cutting tool
matpakntool for shaving sago off of a block of sago starchnaip bilong rausim saksak6.7.1Cutting tool
puekuingrass knifesarep6.7.1Cutting tool
rakiraki1nsawso6.7.1Cutting tool2vsawsoim
siisiigiinchiselsisel6.7.1Cutting tool
tiyanrazor blade; traditionally this was made from a kind of bambooresa; bipo ol i wokim long mambu5.4.3.6Shave6.7.1Cutting tool
yaat🔊nknifebus naip6.7.1Cutting tool