7.2.4. Travel

abukapin1Black Kitetarangau1.6.1.2Bird2airplanebalus7.2.4.3Fly
abu sensen yavswim on one's backswim long baksaitNak nyaan gu yaakue dii abu sensen yakuak. A child was bathing and he was swimming on his back.
apa jabiitnairplanebalus7.2.4.3Fly
apa wapinairplanebalus7.2.4.3Fly
apa valanairplanebalus7.2.4.3Fly
apa yabiinroad or main village pathbikpela rot6.5.4.1Road7.2.4Travel
apukawinplace to tie up canoesples bilong pasim kanu7.2.4.2Travel by water
bapmun1moonmun1.1.1.1Moon2monthmunBapmu Oktoba yaakiinii.She will come in the month of October.Mun Oktoba em bai kam. (of woman), menstruationsik mun (bilong meri)Sera bapmu kulake nii nyaan te yile nii vaniing nyaan kuriik.Sera stopped having her period and was with child and later she bore a child.Sera i lusim sik mun na kisim bel na bihain em karim pikinini. organs4stopper to prevent water from going to the middle of the canoekanu stopa (bilong holim wara na wara i no ken go long namel bilong kanu)Gu nyiidii vala yibakgii we, wunii bapmu vala kiiriiksok.So that water does not go to the middle of the canoe, I made a stopper.Nogut wara i go long namel bilong kanu na mi wokim stopa bilong stopim wara.
bakan1grass field such as a playing field for sportshap i gat gras1.2.1Land2airstripples balus7.2.4.3Fly3yard, area surrounding a househap arere long haus
bunin1backbaksait2.1.2Torso2bottom (canoe)baksait (kanu) part
gusan1oar, paddlepul7.2.4Travel2stick with a flat, sharpened end that is used for diggingstik bilong digim6.7.1.2Digging tool
jabiitnboatbot7.2.4.2Travel by water
kaavpaddle a canoepulAriidi gubi van koka, gusa kai yiput kure nanii yilakutnu.Downstream is alright, it is easy to paddle and go quickly.Bihainim tait em orait, isi long mipela pul na go hariap. by water
kanbuk valanlarge canoebikpela kanu7.2.4.2Travel by water
kegui🔊nback end (of canoe)stia7.2.4Travel
kuaiviiliivswimswimMa dai kuaiviile vala, kiin maakat.Go down and swim and come, to this side.Yu go daun na swim kam na go long narapela sait.
mariivunsurepaulAkui siikiitakne radiite, dii yile yabii mare yariimale yaak.Grass islands moved together closing off [the path], and he was without a path and returned. Em i go lukim ailan i pas i stap na no gat we bilong em go na em i kam bek.Gusa tai yile wunii diikii waka siidamgii wunii mare yao.I was carving an oar and I was unsure of the way to carve its forked end and I am coming.Mi sapim pul i go na mi painim hat long stretim fok bilong em na mi kam. your way
nubu valancar, vehicle that runs on landka7.
piiriiriikvflyplaiWapi piiriiriikne yile miba dii kuriik.The bird flew and sat in the tree.Pisin i plai i go na sindaun long diwai.
siibebanvsteer steer from the front by shoving paddle into bank on both sidesstiaim kanu long subim pul long sait bilong waraWapi valaba rakuan nyaan, gusa kiirai miinii siibebanguakiyo.Man sitting at the front of the canoe, you take the oar and steer.Man i sindaun long poret bilong kanu yu bai kisim pul na stiaim.
sewuriivcut through (of water)brukim waraVala gu sewure dii yu.The canoe cut through the water and is going.Kanu brukim wara na go. by water
siiban2vsteer from the front by shoving paddle into bank on one sidestiaimVala wasal yidiite, gusa kiirai siiban ga.The canoe is going incorrectly, take the paddle and steer.Kanu i go wan sait na kisim pul na stiaim.
siijiibu2vshortcut (road)sotkatToloba vala kiirai dile yile nanii kajiimiile veliye tiik. Biila gi siijiibudiite nanii yiyao.In the past we took a canoe and went down and around. Now it cuts between and we go and come.Bipo yumi save kisim kanu i go raunim na save kam. Nau em katim sotkat na mipela i go kam., route
tiipvdive or duck under the waterdaivWuna miija guba dai radiite, wunii yile tiipme dai kiiraak.My spear fell in the water, and I went and dived down and got [it].Supsup bilong mi pundaun long wara, na mi daiv i go daun na kisim.
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