Timucua - English



acosoakosov1unknown verb (gather?)2guide?der. of*acolarge, great-so 1caus*aco
acu1akudet1thisAcuqibo Visperas ela afama, ...I know that yesterday at vespers in the afternoon, the eye was delighted... being attracted, and reaching out, the woman's behind was fondled" ...yesterday at the hour of vespers...ayer a hora de Visparas ...Movilla 1635a:f148r-151r 3.2Viro yanqua acu viro yoqua abosintequa, iqeloqe nihela. A man was fighting with another [and] killed him.Un hombre riñiendo con otro le mató: Movilla 1635a:f177v-178 1.1Confident2allConfident3in addition?Tentativesp. var.acvAcu
acu2akuTawasa a'ssickn1moon, monthluna, mesGatschet has acuhiba. Arte has acuAra uque naponaye cuyuhanta acuhiba meteta minoqe henolebinco, hehanimota mosobi cho?Anointing your own hair with bears' grease (azeye de oso) did you think it sinful to eat fish for so and so many moons?f133; gI var.acùacu ibacomp.aku ibadial. var.acu hibanmonth...acu iba piqichamosihomoqe, hitima cumepalino istico, naminosoqe, habitoma hanisiromanta §...but at seven months, the Devil tempted him so much that he wanted to give up the monk's habit.qùiribaquocomp.kʷìribakʷonMarchAcu nacu, Diosima, asoma equelama aye carema, chio asostemaqua, Acuma qùiribaquo mes de (Março monoma) pale palemosota hica chio monomate, equelachico, chiqequa mate quenequa, IESVS de Nazareth, chio acomaleta, chionaba bitaletequa, [Fol 85v following] aruquilesiromanda, tana tacu tacumota pale palemosotantela.and in the time that the trees begin to flower or produce flowers, which was the 25th of March.
acùsp. var. ofacu2moon, month
acu hibadial. var. ofacu ibacomp. ofacu2
acu ibaaku ibanmonthmes...acu iba piqichamosihomoqe, hitima cumepalino istico, naminosoqe, habitoma hanisiromanta §...but at seven months, the Devil tempted him so much that he wanted to give up the monk's habit.dial. var.acu hibacomp. ofacu2moon, month
Acueranpropname of a Timucua town9.7.2Name of a placeConfident
acunahacuakunahakucoordconnunknown coordination (if?)Tentative
acupiluakupiluv1resurrect2returncomp. ofpilureturn upset be thirsty
acutanaakutananmystery?misterioAcutana ynibiti yoqua Dios qiemima Iesu Christo muenoma, oca, taanoleta Cruzima, tananihita heca yniheti yninomilete hiti irimilete quenequa ninahuribuonima nantela, naquenemano, caqi Cruz chienoma, heca cumeleno natimo nabohono, nocomilente Sancta fe monomana, yaha natimolemela.In order to show the other mystery that the son of God become man redeemed us on the cross, so that it can be said that the sign of the cross that we make is a summary of our holy faith.Para significar el otro misterio que el hijo de Dios hecho hombre nos redimio en la Cruz demodo que se puede dezir que la señal de la Cruz que hizemos es una summa de nuestra santa fe.1612 Cat 1.1Probable
acvakusp. var. ofacu1all even if this/these
Adann*Adam*AdanBorrowed from SpanishBorrowedsp. var.AdaniadanAdamadani
Adaniadanisp. var. ofAdanAdam
adulterion*adulteryadulterioBorrowed from SpanishBorrowed
aeaeâeinterj1woe!ay!Confident2yesProbable3oh!Confidentsp. var.áeâeâyaaeàe
sp. var. ofaewoe! yes oh!
áeáesp. var. ofaewoe! yes oh!
aecaecaaekaekaIdeounknown redupVisorrey michunu hica habotimabeta Itimileno pahama apachaelequa aecaecamosota § [the viceroy] commanded that [the boy] go to a orchard of religious people whose convent was outside the city...Conf, f8 1.5This ought to refer to a way in which the boy in the passage obeyed the order of the viceroy. Possibly something like 'immediately, obediently'.Hapax Legomenon
afa1afavconfess allAcu, yniheti, ynino, orobinta, habeleta yuchinomano, minehitima, picho here herema, chumota, naiqelo abechumosota, ano, napalucusuta, cunamile, nahiotechu, mosotanimano, yuchinomabetaleqe, afatiquaninolehero, manda nasotanima, nantela. Shame in confession is also the menacing knife which the Devil puts to the throat so that the sinner may not confess his sins openly.También es la vergüenza en la confesión, cuchillo amenazador que el Demonio, pone a la garganta, por que no confiese el pecador a la clara sus pecados.Conf, f0 1.1This verb is usually in the negative, speaking of failure to fully confess.Probable
afa2afanafternoontardeIesu Christo anocomile, Viernes ela afama, nihinemano, Domingo carotamaqua, baluta toconela chimotemano, Viernes ela afama iribota, Domingo vquatiqua nahutemano, vquaca ela yucho tetilechu, chaquenta ela nahapumima baluta toconela monolete?You say that Jesus Christ our lord died on Friday afternoon and resurrected and came out on Sunday (at dawn?)How do we verify that the Master raised on the third day, because from the Friday afternoon when Christ was buried until the night before Sunday when he raised, there are not two complete daysComo se verifica, que el Señor resucitase al tercero dia, pues desde la tarde del viernes quando Christo fue sepultado hasta la noche antes de el Domingo quando resucito, no ay ni aun dos dias enteros.Movillaf019v 1.1Usually with ela 'day'Confidentafua
afa afaafa afaadvpeacefully?Probableafatimocomp.afatimovbe peaceful?