Timucua - English



amala cune echeamala kune etʃevhang (by the neck)ahorcar, colgar (por el cuello)comp. ofamala 1noosecunathroateche 1enteramala
amaraamara1adjfat, oilaceiteCaqi amaraletema taca eca nomano naqua naqitumotaqe naquana toriricatanima onaquenta caqi Olio consagrado lentemano, ybisonta na Christiano lentechule ...Then so the Christian, because he is annointed with consecrated oil, (will burn faster)Pues assi el Christiano, pues esta vngido con azeite, que es el Olio consagrado, ...1612 Bap 3.3Confident2noilamaratacacomp.amaratakancandle, torchACu amaratacama vquasota na hachicare sinolete michu nucaqitaca carotemaqua tolobosotela ininotera santachique na inta inihemosichiqe na inta halifonoma cara nebeleca habuema ninita nantaque naquenema mine IESV CHRISTO, anocomilenis isiso bontemano ininoteraiaqe naquenino leuileque nahele manino Christiano eyochie nesibuo puenta vquata heca itiyaqe What the burning candle means when they put it in the Baptized person’s hand; the candle itself declares it, which is clarity and light of the good life and holy works. So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:16. And the light and the clarity of the Glory are reached with the aforesaid good works.amarataca timecomp.amarataka timenburned out candle/torch
amaratacaamaratakancandle, torchcandela, velaACu amaratacama vquasota na hachicare sinolete michu nucaqitaca carotemaqua tolobosotela ininotera santachique na inta inihemosichiqe na inta halifonoma cara nebeleca habuema ninita nantaque naquenema mine IESV CHRISTO, anocomilenis isiso bontemano ininoteraiaqe naquenino leuileque nahele manino Christiano eyochie nesibuo puenta vquata heca itiyaqe What the burning candle means when they put it in the Baptized person’s hand; the candle itself declares it, which is clarity and light of the good life and holy works. So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:16. And the light and the clarity of the Glory are reached with the aforesaid good works.comp. ofamarafattaca1fire burn
amarataca timeamarataka timenburned out candle/torchvela quemada, antorchacomp. ofamarafattaca1fire burntimuextinguished
amarosoamarosovabstain from, fastThis term appears only twice, and must differ in some way from itori, the usual word for 'fast'. It is preceded by the applicative na-. Possibly this verb is transitive, in comparison to the intransitive itori.Tentativecfitori1
ameninterj*amen*amenBorrowed from SpanishBorrowed
amiroamiroquantall (of a group)todo (de un grupo)chulufi amiroquaall the birdstodos los pajarosArte, f17. Confident
amitaamitan1younger siblinghermano menorAmitaye hutabinco chihutabi?Did someone who had sex with your younger sister have sex with you?‎‎Alguno que aya andado con tu hermana menor conociste?Conf, f1 1.1Confident2brotherhermanoAmitamaleheco yuchaco chihutamobi?O con dos hermanos?Or did both brothers have sex with you?Conf, f1 var.amitiyounger sibling child?amitimalecomp.amitimalen1siblings4.1.9Kinship2children?4.1.9Kinship
amitiamitiyounger sibling child?dial. var. ofamitayounger sibling
amitimaleamitimalen1siblingshermanos4.1.9Kinship2children?4.1.9Kinshipcomp. ofamitayounger sibling-malereciprocal kinship affixamita
amo1amosp. var. ofama2lake
amo2amovflow, run (of water)Probable
amunaamunan1clothingropaArte, f15Confident2clothcfhaquasp. var.amunocomp.Diosi amunaDiosnamuna haquachacomp.naltar clothamunapetolocomp.nstole (item of clothing)
amuna haquachanaltar clothcomp. ofamunaclothinghachaquaamuna
amunapetolonstole (item of clothing)estolacomp. ofamunaclothingpetoloamuna
amunosp. var. ofamunaclothing
amusayaamusajanname of a Timuca lineage, part of the ApoholaConfident
an-1anv > vpfxpassive?Tentative
an-2anvObj agrpfx11plConfident21planani
Anacabilanpropname of a Timucua town9.7.2Name of a placeConfident
ananiasn*Ananais (Biblical character)Ananias (personaje biblico)Borrowed from SpanishBorrowedAnanias
anapieanapienbark (of a tree)corteza de arbolArte f53The Arte text says 'la [casa] de corteza de baria anapie paha".Confidentcf*piela
anaqeadjhumble, peacefulAnochicoba letemano, cume anaqe letema, ona, Dios qiemima monole mohauela. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God Son bienauenturados los pacificos, por que seran llamados hijos de DiosMovilla 1635a:f092r-093r 2.9Preceded by cume. The negated form anaqeti is more common in the corpus than the positive form.Confidentaneqeticomp.aneketiadj1be proudhytimano nahyabota anonapiqita orobintequa mine aneqetilenomima nafata chebenimichu naminohamanta orobininole hetiromanta nasotela§ The devil knows and from envy he wants that we not confess [and gain what] he lost from his prideAno aneqetilenomano hachaque ninomasino?What (kind of) thing is pride?caqi ysihana cumeleno natimo, naquosohanayeno naqi ysaysa motelamo motanayenachi quenihabele santissimo sacramento hibuatema mucuqua, neqerota hibuata anoconanimelaboni habe, iniheti ninisibale, numama, aneqetilenchu chanimantele natenima nista nimelabo mota cume abotono yahoso hache masiqe, §If you truly swear by this in the heart, then you [will] become beautiful...[see and kneel before] the most holy sacrament saying "My lord, have mercy on me; I am a sinner. I was proud before heaven. I repent. Pardon me, have mercy on me", beating the chest, and exposing [all], he said andsynacochatiacochati2be:superior
andaandaadv1before, formerly, earlier Confident2at:first?anta