Tuwali Ifugao - English



iladyu (der. of ladyu) intrans. to air a report on the radio. Inladyu dan mundogoh amam kinali umanamut ka. They aired it on the radio that your father is sick that is why you should go home. i‑/iN‑. (sem. domains: - Radio, television.)
ilag 1comm. yellowish, reddish color as of rice ripening or any other fruit. Maang-ang moy ilag dih page. Now, we can see the yellowish-reddish color of the rice grains (nearing harvest time). (sem. domains: - Color.) 2proc. to become yellow-red in color, describes rice or fruit that is becoming ripe. Umilag di kantol ten munkal-um. The santol-fruit becomes yellowish-reddish when about to be ripe. Mun-iilag nan bugan di kantol. The santol-fruit is reddish. ‑um‑/‑imm‑, muN‑. 2G Processes.
ila-ila intrans. to invite trouble; to court trouble; to do something that causes trouble. Umila-ila kah katayam. You are looking for your death. Antipe umila-ila ka hi pakidamaam? Why are you looking for a cause to quarrel? Tipet nganney ilailam? Why, what are you looking for? Eka umilailah patayon dakan dida. You are giving them a reason to kill you. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2H General class. Sim: angit. (sem. domains: - Bad, immoral.) infl. mangila-ila
ila-u (infl. of la-u) trans. to pass by with something or someone. Ila-u yu nan babuy hitu ta tibok. You pass by here with the pig so I can take a look at it. Ila-u dah tu nan nate. They will pass by here with the dead person. i‑/iN‑. 3F Move something along with oneself. (sem. domains: - Move past, over, through.)
ilap 1comm. knife made of bamboo or cane grass. Nag-odak hi ilap di kawayan. I cut myself with a bamboo blade. (sem. domains: 6.7.1 - Cutting tool.) 2intrans. to prepare a piece of bamboo or cane grass to use for cutting. Mun-ilap hi pun-ukina nah manga. He is getting a sharp piece of bamboo for peeling the sweet potatoes. muN‑/nuN‑.
ilik (sp. var. irik) 1comm. lowland rice grains; unpounded, unpolished. Ilik di nitanom nah payo. The ricefield is planted with lowland rice. (sem. domains: 5.2 - Food.) 2trans. to thresh lowland rice. Ilikon da nan nagapas. They are going to thresh the cut rice. Mun-ilik dad Ambabag ad uwani. They are threshing rice in Ambabag today. ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑. 4A Change the structure of object.
ilista (der. of lista) trans. to have credit in a store; to make a list of charges in a store. Ilistam tun alak ta ahik idat hi ohhandi. List down the things I get and I will pay it the day after tomorrow. i‑/iN‑. 3A Move and position object at site. (sem. domains: - Owe, 6.8.7 - Accounting.)
ilit 1comm. nits; the eggs of head lice. Dakol di ilit hi uluna. There are plenty of lice-nits in her hair. Kaanom key ilit nan unga. Remove the nits of the girl. (sem. domains: - Insect.) 2sta. to have nits in hair. Kababain di mailitan. It’s shameful to have lice-nits. ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an. id. immilit
iliw sta. to be homesick; to feel lonely or to miss someone. Nun-oppot da Juan ke Maria an maka-iliw dan duwa. Both Juan and Maria miss each other. Mailiw nadah imbabalena ot umanamut. He missed his children so he came home. ma‑, makaC1‑. Sim: ilmu, ingle. (sem. domains: - Sad.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.
ilmu (infl. of lumu) trans. to long for former times, to feel nostalgic; to long to see someone. Ilmu na da amanan inana, kinali kumga. He misses his father and mother, that’s why he cries. Il-ilmuk handih kaungak. I miss my boyhood days.(I wish these times were like my boyhood times.) i‑/iN‑. Sim: iliw, ingle. (sem. domains: - Lonely.)
ilohko (id. of lohko) to bypass someone in choosing.
ilom sta. to be wild; untamed. Mailom di manok mu. Your chickens are untamed. Makailom da nadan manuk mi. Our chickens are very wild. Umilom nan manuk hin pududpudugon yu. The chicken will become wild if you keep on chasing it. ma‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Sim: atap. (sem. domains: 1.6.1 - Types of animals.) infl. mailom
iltu intrans. to sense, through intuition, something that cannot be perceived in one’s immediate environment. An uggem iniltun waday matmattalak nah pihum? Didn’t you ever sense that some of your money is lost? Kon uggem iniltun waday at-atton nan inayam an adi maphod? Did you not sense that your spouse is doing something that’s not good? Miltuy boh-ol inam ke ha-on. Your mother’s anger towards me can be sensed. (is obvious) ‑in‑, mi‑. 4E Perception and Cognition. (sem. domains: - Instinct.)
ilu 1comm. things used to wipe the anus after defecating; toilet paper. (sem. domains: 5.6.1 - Clean, dirty.) 2trans. to wipe anus. Iluwam nan golang. Go and wipe the baby’s anus. Mun-ilu ka ta ahika munpantalon. Wipe your anus before putting on your pants. i‑ ‑an/iN‑ ‑an, muN‑/nuN‑. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.
ilukut (der. of lukut) comm. to smoke a cigarette. Maid di tamtam nan ilukut na. There is no taste to the cigarette he is smoking. i‑/iN‑. 3E Move an object directionally.
ilulugan (der. of lulug) trans. to hit with the knee; to knee someone. Inlulugan da ya nundukkun. They hit him with a knee and he knelt. i‑ ‑an, iN‑ ‑an. 5C Goal oriented sites. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.)
ilung sta. to be shaded from the sun or overshadowed. Mailung nadan intanom mi. The things we planted were overshadowed. ma‑. (sem. domains: 7.3.7 - Cover.)
ilut trans. to massage the strained or sprained part of body. Ilutom ya- tun nikubhil an hukik. Please massage the sprained part of my foot. Inilanan mun-ilut. He knows how to massage. ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. (sem. domains: - Touch.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.
ilutta₁ (infl. of lutta) trans. to cut grass down to its roots; cut grass to the level of the ground. Iluttam di pungabut mu. Cut the grass to its roots. i‑/iN‑. 3I Direct an action toward an object. (sem. domains: 7.8.3 - Cut.)
ilutta₂ (der. of luta) trans. to build a structure with the earth as its floor; to position a structure on the ground. Ilutta taku tun abung. Let us build the house with the earth as its floor. Hay abung mi ya nilutta. Our house has the earth as its floor. i‑/iN‑. 3A Move and position object at site. (sem. domains: 6.5.1 - Building.)
ilwan v. to forget something. Om ta-wan naka-ilwak Yes, I really did forget. (sem. domains: - Forget.)
imada intrans. to chew betelnut after eating to make mouth feel better. Mahapul an abun mun-imadaak hin nagibbuwak an nangan te deket adiyak ya kayak ugge nabhug. I have to chew betelnut after I’m finished eating because if I don’t, I don’t feel satisfied. Am-in di ihaad hi toko ya imadaan. Chewing betelnut is necessary every time after eating. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: - Bite, chew.)
imal-i intrans. to express anger that is felt. (sem. domains: - Angry.)
imas sta. to be delicious. Naimas di kinan mi hi bale da. The food we ate in their house was delicious. Umimas di kanon hin ahinan. Food becomes delicious when salt is added. na‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Syn: hong-o. (sem. domains: 5.2 - Food.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.
imatun (sp. var. of immatun)