Browse Vasui - English



resaʼEnglishrazornrazorO resaʼ peöʼ to tok en.My razor is blunt.
ReselBiblical SourceReselPrp.NRachelE Resel to okook non o pus koaʼ peʼ, ka napan hikta onöt ne a vatö o kokoman peʼ.Rachel is crying for all her children, and the people can not reduce (calm) her thinking.
resisncontest, raceO resis opöh apuh po Tinputz.The contests at Tinputz are very big.
resresvgnaw (to continually be) [gnawing]A kuvia to pah resres e ne pa ma kuma.The rat really continually gnaws on the sweet potatoes.
retTok PisinletnbeltO ret peöʼ heh?Where is my belt?
reterehprn.mrkr.q.prnso that whoeverE Tamön koman se heʼ a poa ö ihihoʼ poë varih manih pe retereh neʼ to vamatop keon ke voh en pee.All these sitting places (thrones) that the Father there in heaven has prepared for whoever owns them (made heirs).
ReuʼBiblical SourceReuPrp.NReu, Seruk e koaʼ pe Reuʼ, ke Reuʼ e koaʼ pe Pelek,...and Serug was the child (son) of Reu, and Reu was the child (son) of Peleg,
RevelesenPrp.NRevelationËhnan a buk vëh Revelesen.Name of this book is Revelation
RevinBiblical SourceRevinPrp.NRevinËhnan e voe vëh Revin.The name of this man is Revin.
1vlong (to be)O uris ivëh rë rakah.This rope is very long.2adjlong, tallKon maʼ o uris rë.Bring the long rope.
rëhvget (to), pull (to)E voe to rëh maʼ a naon.The man is pulling the tree.
RëhoboamBiblical SourceRehoboamPrp.NRehoboamKe Solomon e taman voh e Rëhoboam.And Solomon was the father of Rehoboam.
rëhrëhv1pull (to continually) [pulling]E voe to rëhrëh maʼ a naon.The man is pulling a tree.2sexually immoralA nap kokon takis me ra nap rëhrëh se vovoh ke peöm manuh pa Matop Vih va pa Vöön va Kin, suk ee to tamak a ma taateʼ hat pee, pare panih ee.People who collect taxes (tax collectors) and the people who are sexually immoral (prostitutes) will go ahead of you there to the good place up in Heaven, because they are sorry for their bad customs, and they changed.
rëhtöönvhold (to), keep from (to)Ea se koe a ma taateʼ hat tomeʼ rëhtöön a ra pa tavus manuh pe Sosoenën.We(incl) must give up all the bad customs they might hold us(incl) from arriving with God.
RëmBiblical SourceRamPrp.NRam, nameKe Rëm voh e taman e Aminadëp.And Ram was the father of Amminadap.
rëmrëmvlick (to continually) [licking]O këh to nönö e ne maʼ, pare rëmrëm ne a ma piʼ pe Lasarus.The dogs continually came, and they continually licked the sores of Lazarus.
rënEnglishline1ngroup, springA rën pemöm to hikta kit rakah.Our (excl) spring indeed will not finish.2prnyou(s)
rëp1vbeat (to), cut grass (to), hit (to), whip (to)Rëp maʼ a karas pa sarëp.Cut the grass with the scythe.2narrow (made of rib of sago palm leaf)Seosëp to van a panuh po rëp.Joseph shot the dove with the arrow.
rëprëpvwhip (to continually) [whipping]Ivëhkëk, eʼ to heʼ e Ieesuʼ manih po nap vëvënsun, pan ee se rëp poë po uris rëprëp teʼ, pare ni poë pa kuruse.But, he gave Jesus to the fighting men (army), so they could whip him with the rope they continually whip people with, and they nailed him on the cross.
rërësvdislike (to continually) [disliking], reject (to continually) [rejecting]Ivëhkëk ee to ep ee pa ma kiu nöʼ to nonok noʼ, pare rërës avoeʼ e ne pemöm poʼ Tamön.But they see all the works which I continually do, and they still continually hate us(excl) we(excl) two and the Father.
rës1vabandon (to), abhor (to), abstain (to), dislike (to), hate (to), reject (to), refuse (to)Eʼ to rës en e këh peʼ.He dislikes his dog.2advveryA tait pe Seosëp rës vih.Joseph's green parrot is very good.
RësënPrp.NResen, place
Rët-SiPrp.NRed Sea, name, placePare këh a Pi-Hahiröt ko pahan koe ee manih tahi’ va Rët Si ko ho ee pa moeh upin va Sur; ka murin o kukön poen nee to nok o pöh varion manih koman a moeh upin va Itam nee to u’uu tanu ee manih Maraʼ.
rëtaʼEnglishletansteps of a houseO rëtaʼ in a iuun peöʼ to nö peah vakin.The steps of my house go up high.
rëteoEnglishredionradioA rëteo peöʼ to takök en.My radio is broken.