Browse Vasui - English



rivoneahinal.bdpt.nmouth (her), mouth (his), mouth (it's)...eöm se tös kök varuʼ em pa teʼ riu rivoneah...Koe a piun a hat no a meh teʼ to nok manih peö must hit break in revenge his own tooth...Refuse to pay back the bad that another person did to you.
rivoneoʼinal.bdpt.nmouth (my)Manih pa moeh upin a rivoneoʼ to teʼ va non manih pa rivon a pah teʼ to vavaoe non maʼ pan,...My mouth is like the mouth of one person calling continually from the barren land without a person,...
rivonmöminal.bdpt.nmouth (our) (excl)Eʼ to teʼ va non manih, e Sosoenën koman to vaoe koe ke maʼ a napan manih pa rivonmöm.It is like this, God himself calls the people through our(excl) mouths.
rivoorainal.bdpt.n1mouth (our) (incl)Ka sosoe tavus no o vaman pamëh pa rivoora, ivëh, ke Sosoenën sih kon hah en pea.And we(incl) are telling out that faith with our(incl) mouths, therefore, and God always gets us(incl) back (save).
rivooroinal.bdpt.nmouths of, teeth ofKa ma moeh tah kurus poë varih se tanok marën a vamaaka a soe ne Sunön to soe tavus voh manih pa rivooro teʼ vanënën soe.And all these things will happen in order to make clear the talk which the Lord had spoken out through the mouths of the talk foreteller persons (prophets).
riʼriʼvmake (to)A mök nee to riʼriʼ.The necklace which they made.
ro1vdisappear (to), lost (to be), vanish (to)Babiron, a ma tah vih varih no a komömah to iu non to ro këh ee pën, me a ma ohop vavatëk vavih pën to ro këh ee pën.Babylon, these good things your(s) stomach wanted vanished away from you, and your(s) good clothes for decorating have vanished away from you(s).2npanther fishA ro eʼ a iian va tahiʼ.The panther fish is a fish of the ocean.3advalthough, just, onlyPa pah aoaʼ ro nën to kon eöm pa piun in a ma taateʼ hat nën to nok voh!In only one hour that you(s) will get the pay for the bad customs which you(s) have done.!4artthe(p)
RodaʼBiblical SourceRodaPrp.NRhodaEʼ Pitaʼ to tekteok po hopaʼ, ka pah köövo kikiu nö maʼ pa peret o hopaʼ, a ëhnaneah e Rodaʼ.Peter knocked on the door and one working woman (girl servant) came to open the door, her name was Rhoda.
RodesBiblical SourceRodesPrp.NRhodesKo meoh poen nemöm to vos em pa vöön va Rodes,...And the next day we(excl) arrived at the village of Rhodes,...
roevflavor with coconut (to)Kon maʼ tah oe ka koe ko roe a pi aniʼ.Bring me the coconut and scraper then flavor the aipika with coconut.
rokoʼvsink (to), go away to the bush (to)A vös to rokoʼ tahiʼ.The stone sank in the ocean.
romadvhalf done, not quit, uncomplete jobEa to sosoe no pan, ee to teʼ vaeö e ne, suk ee to hikta koe rom voh.We(incl) are saying that, they are happy, because they have not quit (give up).
RomanBiblical SourceRomanPrp.NRomanE sipun Derek ivëh e Roman.Derek's grandfather here is Roman.
RomhihBiblical SourceRomhihPrp.NRomhihA vöön va Romhih to teʼ non maʼ manuh kin.The village of Romhih is up there.
RomsisPrp.NRomsisA vöön va Romsis to teʼ non maʼ manuh kin.The village of Romsis is up there.
romunntree trunkO romun o naon to paraʼ apuh.The trunk of the tree is very big.
ropaakönbushrat (ediable)E këh to ëën a ropaakö.The dog ate the bushrat.
ropoʼlombonpepper (hot)O ropoʼ pemöm to pah apuh en.Our(excl) peppers are very big.
ropusvstrip (to)Ee to ropus po ohop peʼ.They stripped off his clothes.
roraradial. var.raobj.prnus(incl), 1p(incl)Manih po ururuan apuh pe Sosoenën, eʼ to heʼ hah a ra o toʼtoʼ voon pa ö na to teʼ toʼtoʼ no ko anoeh no, suk e Sosoenën to vatoʼ taneʼ hah e Ieesuʼ Kristo po vapeepe.Through the big mercy of God, he gave us(incl) this new life that we(incl) have and waiting for, because God made alive again Jesus Christ from the cemetery.
rorotvsqueeze (to continually) [squeezing], tighten up, (to)E köövo to rorot vakis a teen peʼ.The woman firmly tightened her napsack.
rorotuʼvreligious (to be)A napan va po vaman varih to koman ne pan, ee a nap “rorotu”, ivëhkëk, ee to hikta matop vavih ne a mëëre, ee to pikpiuk koman hah a ne.These people of belief (believers) who think that they are "religious" people, however, they do not control well their tongues, they are deceiving themselves.
rotvfasten (to), make (to)E köövo se rot a teen peʼ.The woman will fasten her rucksack.
rotoʼnboil (a), carbuncleA rotoʼ to sup pa moneoʼ.The boil is swollen on my leg.
rotuʼTok Pisinlotu1vworship (to)O “rotu” vëh ne Sosoenën e Tamaara to ep non poan to maaka, pareʼ hikta teʼ non ta tah hat,...This "religion" God the Father sees it clearly and it does not have a bad thing,...2nchurchA rotuʼ pea o pöh vih rakah.Our(incl) church is very good indeed.