Browse Vasui - English



rëërëadjlong...paröm teʼ e nem maʼ pa ma rapis rëërë, brought all the long knives for fighting with,...
RifatPrp.NRiphath, name
rihvheap into piles (to), stir (to), turn (to)...pareʼ rih ko is hovën o praoaʼ. Ko vasuksuk no praoaʼ to peah en maʼ....and she turns it and the yeast mixes with the flour, and the yeast works and it then makes big the flour.
RihobotirPrp.NRehoboth, place
rikisvrip (to)E koaʼ to rikis a mon marë toh?Why did child rip the mustard bundle?
rikrik1vshake (to), shiver (to)A ma vamomhë peʼ to ep in a poë to tetet nö non maʼ a tonon, pare rikrik rakah e ne po naöp.All his disciples saw him coming walking on top of the lake, and they were really shaking with fear.2nearthquakeRikrik a tah to kökök non sih o oeh.The earthquake is the thing that will continually break the ground.
Rimon-PeresRimmon Perez, place Ee to këh a Ritmaʼ ko u’uu tanu ee Rimon Peres.
rinEnglishringnring (finger)A rin peʼ apuh.His ring is big.
RiplaʼPrp.NRiblah, placeA takasu’ se kunah tane’ non Sëfam ko nö ke non Riplaʼ manih pa potan peah va pa vöön va Ain ko suk non a ma ö totope manih pa naman va Galiliʼ manih pa ö no potan to pepeah ke non ma’.
ririhvstir (to continually) [stirring]E köövo to ririh a taëën koman a dis.The woman is continually stirring the food in the dish.
riritEnglishritvread (to continually) [reading]E voe se ririt nee e buk.The man is continually reading a book.
ririuvmove (to continually) [moving], pretend (to continually) [pretending], rustle (to continually) [rustling], shake (to continually) [shaking], stir (to continually) [stirring]E Jeosëp to vavaato me non pee, ivëhkëk eʼ to ririu va non manih pa ö neʼ to hikta nat non rapoë.Joesph continued talking to them, but he pretended like this that he did not know them.
RisaʼPrp.NRissah, placeEe to këh a Risaʼ ko u’uu tanu ee Kehelataʼ
ritEnglishritvread (to)Eën se rit ka neoʼ o pëpaʼ peöʼ.You(s) should read to me my paper.
ritaʼnlitreEöʼ to voen maʼ a pah ritaʼ kerosin manuh sitoaʼ.I bought one litre of kerosene at the store.
RitmaʼPrp.NRithmah, placeEe to këh a Hëserot ko u’uu tanu ee Ritmaʼ.
riu1vmove (to), pretend (to), rustle (to), shake (to), stir (to)A tuvuh to riu o paʼ naon.The wind moves the leaves of the tree.2ntoothKa ta pah teʼ se keh tös kök a riu rivon a meh teʼ, a, eöm se tös kök varuʼ em pa teʼ riu rivoneah...Koe a piun a hat no a meh teʼ to nok manih peöm.And if one person should hit break another person's tooth, yes, you(p) must hit break in revenge his own tooth...Refuse to pay back the bad that another person did to you.
riunvflat (to be), make level (to)A ma ö kokoveʼ söm pepe kee totoopin, ko hohoe a ma tope apaʼpuh me tope sosoneʼ kee riun, ka ma hanan kikirun neöm se vatotoopin.All the holey parts you(p) must continually fill and they become flat, and scrape level all the big mountains and small mountains and they become flat, and all the crooked roads which you(p) must make straight.
riurivoeereinal.bdpt.nmouth (their), teeth (their)Ka napan poë varih kon vahat ko kokot e ne pa ma riurivoeere suk o kamis to apuh rakah.Then these people received badly (pain) and were biting their teeth because the pain was very big.
riurivonbdpt.nmouth (my), teeth (my)Ma riurivoneoʼ e teʼ to miʼin pa pëʼ.My teeth have a disagreeable taste from the mango.
rivoeeneöminal.bdpt.nmouth (your) (p), teeth (your) (p)A soe pamëh to teʼ vatët rakah e non manih peöm, eʼ to teʼ e non manih pa ma rivoeneöm, me manih pa ma kupu peöm.”"that talk is indeed near you(p), it is here in your(p) mouths, and in your(p) hearts."
rivoeereinal.bdpt.nmouths (their), teeth (their)A ma pasuiro hös to teʼ va ne manih pa pasun a laëon, ka manih pa rivoeere,...All the horses heads were like this a lion’s head, and in their mouths,...
rivoeeronmouths of, teeth of...o vös sölpaʼ to tatavus tane’ no ma’ pa rivoeero hös...sulfur stones were coming out from the horses mouths
rivomahinal.bdpt.nmouth (your) (s), teeth (your) (s)...a tah nën to koman momoaan, parën to tavus eah manih pa rivomah, eʼ a tah pamëh to miröʼ e non po toʼtoʼ pën....the thing which you(s) think about first then you talk it out by your mouth, it is that thing which defiles your(s) life.
rivonbdpt.nmouth, toothA teʼ to panan këh non a ma riu rivoneah.This man opened his mouth to show his teeth.