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jafr. var. ofjama
-jaaffsfxThis suffix may be used on a stative verb to mark a plural subject.Este sufijo se puede usar en un verbo de estado para señalar un sujeto plural.Ichaajüirü wane amairua.There goes some horses.
-jaa1affsfxThis verb suffix indicates an intensity to the action with senses such as “rapidly”, “suddenly”, “violently”, “angrily”.Este sufijo verbal señala una intensidad en la acción con sentidos como “rápidamente”, “con fugaz”, “con violencia”, con “rabia”.Naapaajaain shia.He grabbed her violently / angrily / fearlessly.El la cojió a ella.
-jaa2affsfxThis derivational suffix changes a noun or adjective into a verb with the sense that the subject is transformed into that person, thing, or characteristic.Este sufijo deriva un verbo de un sustantivo o adjetivo con el sentido de “transformarse a”.kepeinjaasü(something) changed into the form of coffee
jaaꞌa maa achikivtpay attention to, attend to, respond toprestar atención a, atender, responderJaaꞌa süma achikichi nüpüshi chi ouktüshikai.The (person’s) family pays attention to (cares for / treats with respect) the dead one.La familia (del muerto) respondió por él (el muerto).cfanoujaa1 1jamaa amüin
jaaꞌa maa amüinvtheed, pay attention to, comply, obeyhacer(le) caso, cumplir, obedecerNnojoishi jaaꞌamüin tamüin nia, nnojotsü jamajatüin nümüin tü tamakat nümüin.He didn’t pay attention to me, it didn’t matter to him what I told him.El no me hizo caso, no le importó lo que yo le dije.Nnojoishii waya jaaꞌa müin nümüin.We did not pay attention to him (his pleas for mercy).antmacheꞌetaacfjamaa amüin
jaarün1cuppocilloEesü maikki, türa jaarü, süi.There was corn, the cups, hammocks.Había maíz, pocillo, chinchorro.cfwaasü2pitcherjarro, jarra3jarfrascoOꞌlojooshii jaara, posiiyo.They are washing jars, cups.
jaatuluntype of lizard frequenting houses, believed by some to be poisonousApantajaasü jaatulu.The j. lizard is running.cfjokooliwakulukulumashatwashalüyoui
jaawacfemejuunasengame where rock is tossed underhand at targetjuego de lanzar piedra levemente hacia un blancoajaawajawaatoss game rock
-jachi1pl.-jana1non-masc.-jatü1cf-maajachiaffsfxThis suffix derives a noun meaning a person or object characterized by the nature or relationship of the original word.Palitchon aiin nia süpüla chajatkat / chajatkalüirua Marakaiwa.Those from Maracaibo care little for him / like him very little.Ella / ellos de Maracaibo quiere poco a él.Süpülajana pitshuushi, suulia kaaꞌula.It’s for beans, (to guard) from goats. (a fenced garden)
-jachi2pl.-jana2non-masc.-jatü2cf-injachiaffsfxThis is a verb suffix that marks past time along with gender-number.Este es un sufijo verbal que señala tiempo pasado y el género-número.¿Yaajachi pia aippainka?Were you here last night?cf-eechi-maꞌa
-jachichipl.-janainünon-masc.-jatüirüaffsfxThis verb suffix indicates that an action almost took place but did not. In some cases the context may indicate that the action had been intended but was frustrated by some circumstance.Este sufijo verbal indica que una acción casi se realizó pero no. En ciertos casos el contexto puede indicar una circunstancia que impidió la realización de la acción deseada.Aꞌluwajünajatüirü maꞌi.It was almost stolen. (the owner arrived just in time to stop the thief)Aꞌyaatünapüꞌüshi taya emetut, ouktajachichi taya sütüma.I was regularly beaten severely, I nearly died from it.cf-eemata-ichi 1-taaichejeꞌe
jaippainplant species with cherry-like fruit, fruit of the same
jaitchitfr. var.saitchitinterjthat is, what’s-his-name, what-do-you-call-it
jakütaavsbe ripe, be fully developed, be ready to bear (fruit or child)estar maduro, estar desarrollado, estar próximo para parirIsayülia pienchi kashi süpüla jakütüin tü aꞌttieekat süpüla asüꞌüjünaa.There are still four months lacking for the crop to be ripe in order to be picked.synjaꞌyumuu 2jeꞌwee 1
-jaꞌacf-lejaꞌaaffsfxsurely, certainlyseguramenteNnojorülejaꞌa süpüla sujutuuinjatüin.No way is it going to fall.De ninguna manera va a caerse.cf-ya1 1
jaꞌapuupaadvevening timede noche (temprano)cfjaꞌapütimemaaliawattaꞌa maalükaleweematüinkaleꞌualiikajaꞌapuupaaipaꞌasaꞌwai
jaꞌapüfr. var.jaꞌapukaꞌapücfajaꞌapüinadjmedium-sizedmedianoJe yalejee akaꞌapülaasü motsoyut, kaꞌapü, miyoꞌu.And then they grow, small, medium, and large.cfakaꞌapülawaajaꞌapüichijaꞌapuupagradmotsoo 1jaꞌapümedium-sizedmiyoꞌu 1big, large
jaꞌapüichicfjaꞌapün1old manviejosynlaülaa 22young boymuchacho
jaꞌiiwaꞌaya kaꞌiphr. vb. ofjaꞌiwaa-iwaꞌayakaꞌiwhile it is daylight, in the daytimede día
jaꞌitaichipl.jaꞌitainanon-masc.jaꞌitairüconjalthough, it doesn't matter thataunque, no importa queJaꞌitaichi ouktüin, ayateeria naaꞌin.Even though he dies, his spirit will continue (he will live).synoꞌutpünaa 3cfayataa 2The conjunction suffix agrees in gender and number with the subject of the subordinate verb unless it is transitive, in which case it agrees with its object.La conjunción concuerda con el complemento del verbo transitivo o con el sujeto si el verbo no es transitivo.
jaꞌiwaacfjemiaivsbe hotestar calienteJaꞌisü.It (boiling chicha) is hot.Jaꞌisü, süpüla juya.It’s hot (atmosphere) for rain.synkaaꞌayulaaantsaamataacfaaꞌira
jaꞌlecheevseye infirmityinfección de los ojosJaꞌlechisü / jaꞌlechesü / jaꞌlichisü sütüma jiꞌrupu.They (eyes) are infected from gnats.