aiwaa eeꞌireeid. ofaiwaa 1eeꞌiree 1vs1lackfaltarTü aippiaasekat, süpüpüꞌüsü uraitchi aiiwaꞌa shiiꞌiree kowuya.Aippia fiber used to be (used for) bow string (back) when there was no twine.cfchoꞌujawaa2be a scarcity ofhaber escasez deAisü shiiꞌiree wunuꞌu eekai laüꞌlaüꞌlüin sümaa juluin eekai anain süpüla sikii.There is a (great) lack / scarcity of wood that is thick and dry which is suitable (good) to be firewood.cfjoulaa 2

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