akuanposs1tripviaje¿Jeratuawai jukua yaamüin süpüla juyakat?How many times a year do you make a trip here?¿Cuántos veces al año que Uds. viajan acá?2route, coursecursoAyurutsü nukua.His route is expanded. (e.g. a man who usually goes searching for his animals in a set area, if and when he goes out further into a larger area)waneꞌewai akuaeach3velocity, gaitvelocidad, pasonojutüin pienchisü karapin ... süchiiruajee tü anuakat süpüla shiiyalajüinjatüin sukua.they threw out four anchors ... behind the ship that it might slow its speed.Oꞌunüsü sümaa müinka sukua wane laülaa.She is going like the way of an old person. (baby walking)kakuaafastmakuaaslow4operation

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