einaluꞌu1postin the depths of, in the bottom of, in the innermost part ofen el fondo deAtunküshi shiinaluꞌu tü anuakat.He was sleeping in the bottom of the boat.Niꞌitaain naya chaꞌaya shiinaluꞌu maꞌi tü püreesaapülekat.He put them there in the innermost part of the prison.Los metió en el lugar más profundo de la cárcel. VPE2postin the beginning ofen el principio deshiinaluꞌu kaꞌikatthe first part of the day (from around 6-9 a.m.)la primera hora del día3npossbuttocknalgaweinaluꞌuour buttocksnuestro glúteo, nalga

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