Browse English



weaponsarmas 1.1nWeapons; arms for combat.
wear clothing, shoes, jewelrytok 1.2vtTo wear an article of clothing, hat, jewelry, shoes.Magtōka ta sambalilo, itaben matogpoana ong plasa.Wear a hat, your head might become damp with moist air in the plaza.Ang lambong mong asia itōk mo ong pista.That blouse of yours, wear it for the fiesta.Indi ra tinōko tang takolo, maringet da.I didn't wear my jacket any longer, the weather is already very warm.rel. wrd.imara 1.1imara 1.1lambong 1.2to-tok3 1.1
wear old ragged clothesgiway-giway 1.1viTo wear old ragged clothes because of being poor.Pisan da kang panggiway-giway tang taw ang asi, kailo ka.That person is always wearing ragged clothes, the poor thing.
wear person out with punishmentpataka 1.1vtTo wear a person out with nonstop whipping; to scold a person harshly.Masking patakān tang bitala, piro baliwala lamang ong nandia.Even if he is scolded harshly, he just ignores it.Patakāna yen tang palo!I'll whip you nonstop! Si Jose ay pinatakān tang palo ni tatay na.Jose was whipped without ceasing by his father.ov. 2.1palo1 1.1palo2do-dot1 2.1vtTo wear a person out with nonstop whipping.Do-dotana yen tang palo tenged ang ari mo pinabayan mo ig nabo-log ong aldan.I'll wear you out with a whipping because you neglected your younger sibling and he fell down the stairs.ov. syn.pataka 1.1
wear shoesatoy 1.2viTo wear shoes.Ang ana mo kada magsimba pirming pagatoy. Every time your child goes to church he wears shoes. ov. syn.sapatos 1.2sapatos 1.2vi., vtTo wear shoes.Onopay galiliagan mong sapatoson? Naning kolit obin ang lagem?Which do you want to wear for shoes? These white ones or the black ones?ov. syn.atoy 1.2rel. wrd.bakia 1.1rapak 1
weathertimpo 1.1rel. wrd.ig--Vr- 1.1palaN- 1paN-2 1paraN- 1tagCV- 1.1timpo 1nWeather.Mo-ya ra tang timpo, belag da ta mapalet.The weather is nice, it's not windy anymore.ov. syn.kalibotan 2.1kalibotan 2.1nWeather.Ang kalibotan ang na pirmi ra ka lamang palet.This weather is just always windy.Mārimem si tang kalibotan. The weather is overcast again.ov. syn.timpo 1.1alang-alang1 1.2statFor a roof or floor to be wide open to the weather because it has big holes in it.Galang-alang tang katep tang balay nira, animan poro lebay mga kokoran.The roof of their house has big holes, consequently everything gets wet when it rains.Ganing tang mga mepet, mga pangana tang tatang babay ang lebengan na ono asia rang laging galang-alang. When a woman gives birth, it's said that her grave is already wide open.
weather becomes hot againpaelang1 1.1adjFor the weather to suddenly become hot again for a week or two after rainy season has already started, in May or June.Belag pa ta paranloak ta kamait mandian, itaben paelang pa.Now is not the time to plant corn, it still might become hot again. rel. wrd.kinit 1
weather changesberelten ang nem1 4.1der. ofbelet2viFor weather to change (literally, to take its turn).Mga melet tang abagat sigoradong bengbeng.When the abagat wind takes its turn, surely it will be windy and rainy.
weather clears upsayag 1.1adjNice, clearing weather following bad weather, when the sun comes out again.Masayag da tang kaldaw, animan poidi ita rang magpakaldaw ta paray.The day is already clearing up, therefore we will be able to dry rice now.ov. syn.kinit 1.3rel. wrd.singkal 1
weather liftsbatak 2.1vFor the weather to lift, improve (literally, for dark clouds to pull themselves up).Anda ray koran, binatak na ra tang ki-lep.There's no more rain, the dark clouds have pulled themselves up.
weaveampad 1.2vtTo make, weave the edge of a basket.Ang lolo amen nontokaw manigampad ta balen.Long ago our grandfather was a weaver of the edges of the baskets used for gathering rice.Pāmpadano rin tang balen ang binoato tenged indio matakong magampad. I'll have someone else weave the top edge of the basket I've made because I don't know to weave it. ov. 1.1tampet2 1.1abel 1.2vi., vtTo weave thread into cloth on a loom to make traditional skirts, bed covers, etc.Bakaleno ra tang aggabelen mo mga matapos.I'll buy what you are weaving when it is finished.Indio matakong manabel, ipābelo ra lamang ong ni Lola.I don't know how to weave, I'll just have it woven by Grandmother.Abeleno rin tang benang ang naboay dang agtataloko.I'll weave into cloth the cotton thread that I've had hidden away for a long time.rel. wrd.tidal 1so-sok1 1.1rel. wrd.katang2 1.1so-sok1 1tsinilas 1.2vtTo insert or stick something inside a space; to weave something in and out to secure it.Sino-soko tang papel ong aroman na para indi malipat.I inserted the piece of paper in with the others so it would not get lost.Naso-soko ra tang karton ong boloat tang katep para indi tomorok.I have already inserted the piece of carton in the hole in the roof so it won't leak.Indi baya mabo-log tang lapis ang soso-sok na ong boa na.The pencil she has sticking in her hair really won't fall out.Mga masi-lito tang agboatenong tamping oman yawa ray magso-sok. When I weave the opening of the basket, then you be the one to weave the last strip in and out.ov. syn.golo2 1talet 1baragal 1.1adjCoarse, rough texture, or large weave.Ang inabel na baragal tenged ang ilo na mababael.What she wove is coarse because the thread is large.ov. syn.magaspang 1.1
weave (finish) the edgesi-lit2 1.1vtTo finish weaving the end of a mat or opening of a basket.Nay, patigayon mo rang isi-lit tang tamping, ong damal ipapaso ra ong maistrao.Mother, please finish weaving the opening of the basket, I'll submit it to my teacher tomorrow.Antlara 1.1ov. syn.ampad 1.2tampet2 1.1tampet2 1.1vtTo finish weaving the end of a mat or opening of a basket; to completely finish a section of something that is being worked on.Tampeteno kang lagi tang agboatenong tamping.I'll first finish the edge of the large basket I'm making.Itampet mo kay naning agboatenong amek, indio ra matako.Please finish the edge of the mat I am making, I don't know how.Indi natampet amen tang aggibabawan amen.We weren't able to finish the area we were weeding.Antlara 1.1ov. syn.a-mo 1ampad 1.2a-yep 1si-lit2 1.1
weave colored threadsamay 1.2vtTo weave colored thread into dark cloth.Ang aggabelen ni Lola sinamayan na ta masinggi.The cloth that Grandmother is weaving, she has woven in red threads.
weave palm frondssolidap 1.1nWoven coconut palm fronds.
weave, loosesilang 1.1Antsilang 1siriniet 1.2adjLoosely woven, loose weave, as of cloth, baskets.Masilang tang baskito, indi poiding teldan ta belat.My basket has a loose weave, it can't be filled with rice.Antrigpen 1.1rigpen 1.2
weave, start tolara 1.1vtTo start weaving the bottom of a basket using strips of bori or pandan leaves, or to start weaving the edge of a sleeping mat.Maglarao ta tamping agod mga labi may agpolawano. I'll start weaving strips into a large basket so that I'll have something to work on late at night.Antsi-lit2 1.1tampet2 1.1
weave, tightrigpen 1.1ov. syn.damel 1.2rigpen 1adjVery close together, without spaces, as of a bamboo fence, one's teeth; small holes in something like a sieve; tightly woven mats, baskets.Belag ta marigpen tang pamboat mo tang lino, animan gailat tang belat.The way you made your rice winnower is not tightly woven, so now the rice spills through it.Masiadong marigpen tang panlokot mo tang da-tal, gatalet tang mga boling.The way you tied on the bamboo flooring, the strips are very tight, the dirt gets stuck in the cracks (i.e. instead of falling down underneath the house).Antelag 1.3silang 1.1
weaving, double styledalanan 1.1nA style of double weaving used for sawali walling, rice winnowers, or sleeping mats. (Two strips of rattan are passed under and over two other strips. This looks nicer and is more durable than the single-weave style.)Ang mga taga Diit sanay ong boatan ta amek ang dalanan. People on the island of Diit are expert in making sleeping mats using a style of double weaving. rel. wrd.padat 1.1
weaving, rough edges ofrabot-rabot 1.2vstatFor a woven mat or basket to have small thread-like pieces left along the edges, i.e. not smooth.Ang inobra mong amek rabot-raboton. Your weaving of the mat has small thread-like pieces left along the edges.
weaving, single stylepadat 1.1nA style of weaving in which a single strip of rattan is passed under and over another single strip. (This style is used for making drying mats and tamping baskets.)rel. wrd.dalanan 1.1
wedding ceremonykasal 1.1rel. wrd.aliog 1.2kasal 1kasal 1katawa 1.4prisintar 2.1solong 3.1nWedding ceremony.Ang kasal tang angkeno ay ong tomakon.The wedding of my niece is next year.
wedding ceremony, traditionalaliog 1.1nTraditional wedding ceremony.Mga aliog da, ang mga pamansisolong pamagsalodo ba-lo paka-yaten.When it's time for the traditional wedding ceremony, the ones who are walking towards the house keep on bowing and dancing before they are invited up inside.
wedding clothesbisti 1.1nWedding clothes worn by the bride and groom; formal or beautiful attire, like a gown.Ang bisti tang laling karasalen ay Amirikana.The wedding clothes of the groom is an American-style suit.rel. wrd.bistida 1.1
wedding receptionkasálander. ofkasaln
wedgebangil 1.1vtTo wedge something under something to make it level or prevent it from wiggling.Bangilan mo kay tang kakay tang aparador ang nalangga ra agod magtepengan tang dobali.Kindly place a wedge under the broken leg of the cupboard so that both sides will be even.