Akawaio-English Dictionary



maipuri n (non-possessed) bush cow, tapir Tapirus americanus syn: kuꞌyunkuꞌyun, kaꞌtaipa, waira .
maiꞌpʉremu (poss: amaiꞌpʉremu) n friend
mairɨ pron there, not too far away Ɨꞌrɨ pe mairɨ toꞌ eꞌsaꞌ tukaiꞌ? How did this happen to them?
maitaken n 1a tar-like substance from a tree used for making grater boards and rubbing onto arrow points and fishing rods Sumari akuꞌnɨꞌpʉ uya maitakin ke. I spread tar on the grater board. 2wax, used for same
maiꞌwɨ n sister-in-law, direct address
maka (var: ma) vt fish, catch fish Mɨrɨ aꞌtai moroꞌ amʉꞌ makaꞌpʉ ina uya. At that time, we caught many fish.
makara n a variety of tree, walaba, a hardwood tree with edible, walnut-sized fruit Eperua sp. makara yeꞌ the walaba tree
makarin n 1(non-possessed) a variety of grape-like fruit, green turning to purple when ripe syn: akorʉka . 2a variety of tree producing same fruit, matchwood tree Tapirieru sp. makarin yeꞌ the matchwood tree
makaꞌsira n (non-possessed) a variety of sweet cassava
maꞌkɨrɨ vt 1drop Umoꞌsa maꞌkɨrɨꞌpʉ uya tuna kaꞌ. I dropped my underwear in the water. 2throw out eki sururuui maꞌkɨrɨtoꞌ kon pe eꞌma taꞌ. throw out cassava flour on the path 3throw Toꞌ eꞌsaraꞌtɨꞌpʉ eke ton tɨꞌ maꞌkɨrɨ pɨꞌ ipona, iwɨnɨꞌpʉ toꞌ uya. They started to throw big/plenty rocks at him, (and) they killed him.
makoi (poss: amakooi) n 1sin 2evil 3devil, Satan, the originator of all things against God, the father of lies, etc.
makokopa n a container made from a leaf, often to hold small items such as peppers or acushi ants
maꞌku n (non-possessed) a variety of creeping vine
maꞌkuma var. of maꞌkʉma
makuna vt 1sin 2spoil something 3do something wrong or wicked
Makunaimɨ nprop mythical character
makunapa vt 1treat with scorn, treat badly, joke about something serious Tʉmakunapai pʉra Areruya. Don't treat Alleluia badly. 2sin
makuꞌpɨ 1the worst one of many toꞌ makuꞌpɨ the worst of them 2something rejected 3female bird, or the duller one of a bird pair syn: menu pʉn ; cf: akoruwan 2 . 4a baby born with deformities
makusi n 1a Macushi person, the macushi tribe of Amerindians 2the Macushi tribe
makʉiꞌ n land, someplace dry Iyanʉnpɨtʉꞌpʉ tuna eꞌpi pona, aꞌmun yaꞌ, makʉiꞌ. He put himself beside the water, on the dry part, land.
maꞌkʉi (poss: amaꞌkʉi) n 1mark 2birthmark syn: karutu . 3tattoo, the result of an indigenous practice, given to young women near or around the mouth, the design of which is based onthe taste of casiri she makes by chewing and spitting the casiri back into the pot syn: kansuꞌ . 4sign of something to happen
maꞌkʉma (var: maꞌkuma) vt mark; to make a mark on something
maꞌkwai n 1(non-possessed) a variety of river crab 2a variety of large, mildly poisonous spider; similar to a tarantula piyaꞌma maꞌkwai a larger variety of the same spider; lit. 'giant crab spider'
maꞌkwaiwaraꞌna n a variety of potato
mama n sister-in-law; more specifically, one's younger brother's wife; for direct address