Akawaio-English Dictionary



maminiꞌtɨ nom someone mischevious syn: patantɨ .
man the aforementioned verbal phrase is an item of fact Iyeꞌnɨ pɨꞌ man. It is a fact that he is coming. Iꞌtu uya pʉra man. It is a fact that I do not know.
man n a variety of plant with gum
mana n weaving, something woven Toꞌ enupa tʉkʉipʉnʉ uya mana pɨꞌ. Their own father teaches them about weaving.
mana var. of mara
manaꞌ (poss: amanatʉ) n breast
manaꞌ akan pre-pubescent girl
manaꞌ eku breast milk
manaꞌ putu the nipple of the breast
manaꞌ yen bra, brassiere
manaiꞌmanaiꞌ n (non-possessed) a variety of small, burrowing insect that digs a conical hole in the sand to trap other bugs for its food
maꞌnapa 1vt scorn, treat badly Tʉmaꞌnapai pʉra. Don't treat it badly. 2vi dishonour the rules of bina use, such as talking to a girl between using a bina and going hunting
manare (poss: amanareei) n 1a variety of grass used in weaving warishi 2mukuru, used to make baskets, warichis, etc.
manari n waterfall
manenpa vt 1trouble, bother Imanenpaꞌpʉ uya. I troubled him. tʉmanenpanin rʉꞌpʉ the one who was troubling 2argue Paarʉ, Panapas pokon manenpaꞌpʉ mɨrɨ kasa pʉra rɨ man taꞌpʉ toꞌ uya. Paul, with Barnabas argued that what they said was not so.
manka n a variety of tree whose roots can be used as a charm for hunting deer
mankurun n 1(non-possessed) mango tree 2mango fruit
mannʉꞌ nom 1someone kind syn: sanoma . 2someone gentle
maꞌnon (poss: amaꞌnon / amaꞌnomʉ) n girl, a young female, direct address
manowara n a variety of plantain
manpika vt 1sweep away Iꞌmʉnpʉ nʉmanpikanʉ pe rɨ nin tapɨꞌnetʉ ke imaꞌtanʉkʉ pe rɨ. The flood that comes sweeping with strength destroys it. 2carry away
mansiꞌ (poss: amansikʉʉi) n child syn: mʉre 1 .
manunpa vt dance with someone Epuꞌkenaꞌ pasi umanunpa yan, ɨri, ɨri pe pʉra umanunpa yan. I am dancing with a prophet's woman, I am dancing without wickedness.
maꞌpa n a variety of tree
maparuwa (cf: saro) n (non-possessed) a variety of black otter, water dog, a larger variety than the saro Lutra macrodus