Akawaio-English Dictionary



mapi n (non-possessed) a variety of mosquito, troublesome during the day
maꞌpiꞌ (poss: amaꞌpisi) n 1a variety of small fish, found mostly near the A'taro River mouth, along the Kukui River, a tributary of the Upper Mazaruni River 2a way to prepare fish by wrapping in certain tree leaves and roasting over the fire
Mapiꞌsa nprop the name given to a high-water bypass along the Kukui River between Jawalla and Pipiri pai
maꞌpisiꞌtɨ vt cook fish in leaves
mapɨꞌ (poss: amapɨri / amapɨkʉʉi) n any intestinal or other internal parasite
mapuru (poss: amapuruui) n 1a variety of wild plant often called cane, used for fishing rods and hunting arrows mapuru yeꞌ the mapuru plant 2arrow, made from same high stat: urapa 1 .
maraꞌ n an instrument much like a maraca, with a gourd full of seeds/beads on a stick, shaken to make noise
mara (var: mana) n a fair feeling, not too good "Ɨꞌrɨ pe nai?" "Mara rɨ." "How are you?" "Not too good."
maraiꞌ n a variety of small fish
maran n (non-possessed) parakeet
marari n (non-possessed) rapids marari ena the top of a waterfall
marariꞌta n (non-possessed) a long stretch of rapids
mare (poss: amareei) n a trap using string or cord
marikoꞌ n a variety of grassy plant with large, red root bulb
maripa n (non-possessed) a variety of small banana, yellow in colour
maritɨ n a variety of very poisonous scorpion, without claws Androctonus occitanus gen: mɨnɨꞌ .
mariya (poss: amariyarʉ) (cf: supara) n 1a small knife 2cutlass, machete
mariyamʉreꞌpʉ n small knife
marɨ n (non-possessed) a variety of bird that swings its body, small with dotted feathers, rarely found
marɨ postp 1together with asaꞌrɨ rɨ marɨ all two of them 2same as Mɨrɨ aꞌtai rɨ marɨ, . . .. At the same time, . . ..
maruꞌ n (non-possessed) a variety of bird similar to the guinea bird, the maam bird Tinamus major
marupaꞌ n (non-possessed) bat Molossus obscurus
Marupaꞌ Pɨꞌpʉ nprop the name of a mountain where very large bats were found
Maruwaꞌ nprop the name given to a creek in Venezuela
Maruwaꞌna nprop the name given to a settlement where the James family lives