Ata Manobo - English



lombung Beaded, woven belt.
lomì v To cringe.
lomot v 1Despise. [DB says lomot can include speaking but there is much that remains unexpressed.] 2Insult; belittle. “Amana so-ini no batò no ungod ogsinogow no ma-agol so bo-bò.” Nabolongbolong to ungod ogsinogow, di diò to ko-opusan, na-aras woy niglomoton din on ka batò. DB Dic Nt 06/Oct/06. "Enough of this child who is always crying and whose mouth is wide." [The speaker] is amazed that [the child] is always crying, but there is an aspect (lit. ending) of having been irritated and then he insulted the child. see fr.: samilì; osyn: do-ot 2.
lomu 1adj Cheap in price. Malomu ko’gbolian. It’s cheap if bought there. 2adj Fast, easy. 3To be easier for someone, as for a mother in labor Ko ogkapanoy ogkatapid ka batò diò to diralom to gotok, oglomuan ka inoy ko og-anak. If the baby (lit. child) in the abdomen has been positioned ahead of time, it will be easier on the mother when she gives birth. 4n Quickgrowing rice: (harvest after 4 months). panlosut to malomu (Bursting of the early rice--latter part of August).
lomuk n A kind of dove.
lomuslomus n Tiny black flies that get in one’s eyes.
long-ig adj Smelly, as meat of animal that has died of disease.
long-ug v 1Spoiled, soured. [This word applies to milk when it sours but it also applies to the starchy ingredients for akug, sweet preparation which is buried for two days. It may be that the meaning of long-ug overlaps the meaning of fermenting.] 2ferment ?? Oglong-ug di mo-omis. It ferments (??) but it is sweet
longa 1n Sesame grain. 2A small, black, flying insect which eats leaves of rice or corn so called because the body of the insect resembles sethe same seed.
longdong 1n A rainy spell or drizzle, characteristic of rainy season., which lasts for a week or more. Ungud og-uran to malayat no longdong ka dalayuan. Its always raining when a lengthy rainy spell rainy spell is extended. see fr.: dalayuan; see: dalayuan; see: ; see fr.: donok. 2To walk in the rain.
longgabon v To yawn. Longgabon ki. We’re yawning.
longgat v To nod the head.
longguk v To snore; purr of a cat.
longhag v To look up at.
longhak v To look up at.
longkon A short kind of word that lives on leaves.
longlong v To stare.
longod 1n Next to, near, in the vicinity of. Longod ku. Beside me. see fr.: dogkit 1; see fr.: dulug 1. 2v To be close to Pakalongod to Mansalinow ka ariplanu. Planes are inadvertently close to Mansalinao [when they fly over]. Nokoglongod ka kamot di du-on olatan. The fields are close to each other but there is a space between [them]. see fr.: dulug 5. 3v location Hondo-i ka longod? Where are you located (lit. where is your location)? see fr.: dapit.
longon v To stretch out as far as the eye can see, because of being on flat land (as a rice field).
longowlongow n Tiny fruit flies, red flies.
lon-ing (dial. var. dasig) adj Many. Moon-ing ka baloy di sagboka rò ka ogkapurut. There are many houses but just one will be taken.
lona-an see fr.: korog.
londig v To go around a mountain; to skirt the mountains by following the valleys. Palondigon ka kayu. The wood is made to fall toward the valley see: landig ??..
londig ?? see fr.: landig.
lonod v 1To drown. [This term is also used of a person who was submerged in water but did not actually die.] 2To be overwhelmed. Ka igparakoldakol to songo otow, ko diò to alukuyon, ogbabansagon sikandin to ogkagi to, "Koddì ian no ngaran ka ogpokohonat to duma ta no ogkalonod to problima." As for a person exhalting [himself], when in a discussion, He loudly brags and says, “My own name is that which is able to lift up our companion who is overwhelmed by (lit. drowning in) a problem.”