Bonggi → English/Malay Dictionary



agubm /agum/ [ˈa.gʷʊᵇm]
type of edible shellfish; bivalve; lukan; lokan; (sem. domains: - Food from animals, - Fish.)
Setanga jaabm ou ngai agubm.]
Ou kii agubm di Pogah.]
Babi pandi kii agubm.]

Similar (co-hyponym): susuh snail siput, kiong, singar siput
aha /aka/ (a; sp. var. taha; sp. var. =aa; sp. var. ha)
you; awak; engkau; saudara; anda; (sem. domains: 9.2.3 - Pronouns.)
Aha ngirah diaadn uubm Bonggi. You are teaching me the Bonggi language.]
Aha mori diaadn mpalabm. You give me mangoes.]
Esi aha? Who are you?]
Esi mbuat ina, bakng ndah aha. Who did that, if not you?]
Pidaadn a katih? Meleid na katih. How many days have you been here?]
Tipah diti ha.]

Similar (co-hyponym): =nu 2SG.GEN engkau; awak; saudara; anda, diha you, ndaha not=2SG.NOM
ahaidn /akal/ /-on/ See ahal, -on;
tricked; (sem. domains: - Deceive.)
Molok ou ahaidn nu.]
Saa hu inahal ny anu.]
ahal /akal/ [ˈa.hal]
plan; scheme; trick; akal; (sem. domains: 3.3.1 - Decide, plan.)
Mbuat ahal. Buat akal.]
Sia mbuat ahal nggien mpelapas deirdn na.]
Bas ku na igbuat ahal.]
Onu ahal nggien ti lemoon siga lama na?]
Kiti mistiih mbuat ahal, inubuh kiti merari tidia.]
Barabm ahal - mbikohuh. Banyak akal.]
ahibm (ahim) (ahim) judge hakim (sem. domains: 4.7.6 - Judge, render a verdict.)
ahih /akiʔ/ [ˈa.hʲiʔ]
beads; manik-manik; (sem. domains: 5.4.1 - Jewelry.)
Ahih migia, toyuk manas.]

Similar (co-hyponym): manas necklace
ahim (ahibm) judge (sp. var. ahibm) (sem. domains: 4.7.6 - Judge, render a verdict.)
ai /aj/
wow; (sem. domains: 9.2.7 - Interjections.)
Ai na boros siga lama na.]
ajaardn /ajar/ /-on/ See ajar, -on;
teach; (sem. domains: 3.6 - Teach.)
Esi ajaardn nu? Who are you teaching?]
Pusud na inajar nya. His sibling was instructed by him.]
Esi inajar ny anu? Who was taught by what's-his-name?]
Man pah inajar nya? Nguah inahu. Why was he lectured by him? He went to steal.]
ajak /ajak/ [ˈa.d͡ʒək̚]
a vine with a poisonous bark which is used to stun freshwater fish; (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)
Ajak - ngerasudn louk; mahi di beig tonu; sumuak beraadn; mahi kuit. Ajak is used to poison fish; it is used in freshwater; it is a type of vine; people use the bark.]

Related items: miligisa tree, sembeloodn tree, geroo, tuba tuba, rasudn poison rancun, tutuba vine ; Generic: beraadn vine
ajal /ajal/ [ˈa.d͡ʒal]
luck; (sem. domains: 4.4 - Prosperity, trouble.)
Ajal bakng di Bonggi, nasip ndah pa mati. Walaupudn migia ladu nya, bakng ndah pa kompot ajal nya, mati. nasib]

Synonyms: nasip luck nasib, suhud luck nasib
ajar /ajar/ [ˈa.d͡ʒaɾ]
teaching; ajar; (sem. domains: 3.6 - Teach.)
Peranak na ndah sumuak ajar.]
Bakng libudn ntogih gulu, anak kurakng ajar.]
Sia kurakng ajar. Ina ngijampa lama. He is not taught well. That is insulting someone.]
Suhup ajar.]
Kurakng simuak ajar ba hanah.]

Related items: kipindiaadn certain, keteih happen to know ; Similar (co-hyponym): rajar study belajar ; Similar (co-hyponym): minjarah imprison someone
ajukng /ajuŋ/ [ˈa.d͡ʒʊᵏŋ]
ark; bahtera; (sem. domains: - Boat.)
alakng-alakng /alaŋ-alaŋ/
1slightly; halfheartedly; alang-alang; (sem. domains: - Few, little.)
Bakng lama kerai odu nti teih ndah kerai suub, sia alakng-alakng ngkerai. If someone works today but does not work tomorrow, he works halfheartedly. ]
Man pah alakng-alakng kerai? Kabul ou. Why are you working halfheartedly? I am lazy.]

Related items: sinsei

Alakng-alakng aha suad Bonggi. You speak a little Bonggi.]
ali /ali/ [ˈa.lʲi]
1different; lain; (sem. domains: - Different.)
Ali botik. Different color.]

Related items: tirnis part; some, sibagi some ; Similar (co-hyponym): leidn different lain; bukan ; Similar (co-hyponym): olikng-olikng different, leidn different lain; bukan, sama different lain, singkia different; each masing-masing, tingkoodn difference

Ali na nigsuad sikng nti, ali na nigsuad sikng inoo. Some speak like this, others spoke like that.]

3very different;
Ali-ali lama. Very different person.]
alibm /alim/ [ˈa.lʲɪᵇm]
male Muslims who cover their body; alim; (sem. domains: - Islam, 4.9.5 - Practice religion.)
Similar (co-hyponym): arkabm fundamentalist Islamic group ; Similar (co-hyponym): muis Muslim missionary
alih₁ /aliʔ/ [ˈa.lʲiʔ]
male term of address; (sem. domains: - Man, - Child.)
Aha ba alih.]
Tau ba alih.]

Similar (co-hyponym): elih boy, dakng girl
alih₂ /aliʔ/
surprise; astonishment; fear; wah; (sem. domains: 9.2.7 - Interjections.)
Similar (co-hyponym): elih boy
aludn-aludn /alun-alun/ [ˈa.lʊᵈn ˈa.lʊᵈn]
highway; main road; road; jalan raya; jalan; (sem. domains: - Road.)
Aludn-aludn kompot di Giparak.]
Lumuas ou di aludn-aludn dii.]
Pegluasluas ku di aludn-aludn.]

Similar (co-hyponym): daidn trail; road jalan; denai; jalan kecil
alus /alus/ [ˈa.lʊs]
fine texture; (sem. domains: 8.3.2 - Texture.)
ama /ama/ [ˈa.mə̃]
domestic help; amah; pembantu rumah; (sem. domains: 5.8 - Manage a house.)
amad /amad/
1carve; (sem. domains: 6.6.3 - Working with wood.)
2hollow out;
amah /amaʔ/ [ˈa.mə̃ʔ]
1kinship term for male parent; bapa; ayah; (sem. domains: - Father, mother.)
Ntien gien ny amah nu? Where is your father?]
Sia amah ny anu. He is the father of what's-his-name.]
Pusud baar gimung amah. True siblings have share a father.]
Sama amah, gimung induh. Same father, share a mother.]
Meleid na si amah nu kuih Kudat. Kintabm a ny amah nu?]
Si amah. My father.]
Oou amah n daakng na.]

Whole: induh-amah parents ibu-bapa

2father and others with him;
Kintabm ou nda amah.]
Bali nda induh mah nda amah.]
Ringah nda amah kiladu.]
Sida amah.]
na amah]
Uubm i Belaha "Ndah kiid ou nda oduh mpanu di tuhad."]
amah manuk /amaʔ manuk/ [ˈa.mə̃ʔ ˈmãnʊ̃k̚] See amah, manuk;
deadbeat dad; baba ayam; (sem. domains: - Father, mother.)
Amah manuk - ndah pudulih siga anak nya.]
Nudukng a amah manuk.]
Dei punudukng amah manuk!]

Related items: manuk chicken ayam, manuk kitilug arrogant female, paa manuk female, iguay manuk barefoot kaki ayam, pati-pati manuk die familyless
aman /aman/ [ˈa.mə̃n]
peace; aman; (sem. domains: 4.8.4 - Peace.)
Begpipia - aman ndah mbunuh.]
amat /amat/
dedicate; (sem. domains: - Appoint, delegate.)