kaasiv.1to spoil, to damage, to destroy, to break (restr.), to be spoilt, damaged, destroyed, broken, to rot, to decay, to go bad, to go off(Prov.) Ba-kpak kan kaasi tulik-a.An old dog does not (even) destroy a carrying pad.Naab dan kan ka tengka po, kaa kaasi kama.If there is no chief in the country (in the town), it will spoil indeed.Logni kaasi kama.The car has a breakdown.kaasi chaabto fall out with a person (lit. to spoil each other)kaasi ligrato waste or spill money Ku sum kaasi kama.(euph.) to die, to be dead - It is really spoilt (i.e. he/she has died) 2to do wrong, to offend, to hurt, to give a person trouble, (mod.) to play a foul (e.g. in football), to sin(Prov.) Fi dan kaasi biik, ka kaasi fu nurba po.If you spoil a child, he will offend you among people (in public).(Prov.) Fi dan maari nuru, wa chum a kaasi fu kama.If you help somebody today, he will give you trouble tomorrow.Wa kaasi Naawen siuk.He sinned (trad.) against God (lit. he spoilt God's way).3to be sorry, to repent (only if you have wronged sb.), to apologize, to excuse, to beg a person's pardonN kaasi, logni sue kama.I am sorry (excuse me), the car is full (said after promising sb. to pick him up).N kaasi, mi le velim te fu la.I am sorry (I repent) that I told lies about you.sui kaasito be sadKa boan nying ate fi sui kaasi?Why are you sad? (lit. why is your mood spoilt?)biisi...kaasito talk rudely, to backbite, to defame, to slanderkaasi yueo spoil a name, to denounce, to depreciate, to speak publicly against (sb.)kaasi nina(lit. to spoil eyes) to frown, to be unsociable, to be sad (e.g. at a funeral)bia...kaasito miscarry, to have a miscarriage, to abort (cf. biagi v.)Nipoowa bia buta kaasi.The woman miscarried three times.bia-kaasika [l l l l]miscarriage

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