Daui - English



ai11we (EX)2us (EX)Na mate dodoga ne ai gudui, na edi luma aie gabu.But we have closed off those people there, and we (will) burn their house.
aiheaplay, to
aladahudahu1go to the mudflats, to2mudflats, to go to theTa'iede, i aladahudahu. Gahu pouna ena sasagu tie ita.Then he ran down to the mudflats. His companions saw the column of smoke.
alahiaspearAlahia wa ie alu.He cast his spear.
alati1burn with a flame, to2burn something: with an agent who causes the burning.Ewa! ginauli wa, saha iti ti alati?Wow! that thing, what is it that they are burning?3burning: for something to be burning (no agent given).Oyagi i abihai, i sa'olai, na gulewa ubuna yai. i alati.She took the fire out, and positioned it, and it was under the cooking pot. It burned.
ale1spear for fishing2multi-pronged fishing spearWawaya tataodi tie ale.The little boys went fishing with spears.
alili1very2trulyI lau, ie ita nate. Ia waihin saesae alilina.He went and he saw her there. She was a very beautiful woman.Tau baguna esa, i baguna alili, na alahia wa i dobi'eli.One who was first, was very far ahead, and the spear fell down without piercing him.
alu1throw, to2throw a spear into, toAe, hola au bagigu, na egu woto a alu.Please, wait for me, and I will spear my body.
alugaibuithrow s.th. without a goal, toEna alahia wa i alugaibui. I dobi. Oyagi yai ie hutu....He threw his spear hopelessly. It went down. It stuck in a tree...
amhapitopush, to
aneat, toAge salai i an, yo age saha i anlodai.Pigs don't eat it, and nothing spoils it.
an-v > HABpfxHAB
ana1his [EPC]2her [EPC]3his, her or its [EPC]: something edible, drinkable or consumable or closely associated with food, and used with an accompanying NP.To natumiu ana moia ti gilihai.Then they stole his fish.Oyagi i abihai, i sa'olai. Ana gulewa i abihai, i sa'olai.She took the fire out and arranged it. She took the cooking pot out and arranged it.4his, her or its [EPC]: something edible but used alone without any NP (This usage is typical of Suauic).5his, her or its [EPC]: not edible, but something closely or habitually associated with someone or something.Na Liuna ana paisoa: iyala.But Liuna's occupation was war (or fighting).Na ia muli yai, ana nigo ie abi. Nate, gadodi i lausasa.But he, in the back, took his knife. there he slit their throats.6his, her or its [EPC]: referring to a social relationship to other people (often "kinlike" in some ways)Na ana sasagu age adi ti goli.But his companions didn't spear any of their own.7his her or its [EPC]: referring to a person to be "consumed" in some manner (enemies, prostitutes, etc)Hasala wa age i liba, enaba, bena ana waiunu e'esa.The young woman did not speak, she said (to herself), it might be one of her enemies."I lau eee--, mala ie tom hanahanau, ta'iede, ana iyala tie hotu.time passed and the break of dawn approached, and then his enemies arrived.
an'an1food: used with Edible Possessive Classifier [EPC].Adi an'an doha, Biula tataodi ne, iamo, adi an'an i tubutubugaibu.Their food is like (ours), those Biula people, but just one thing, their food grows by itself.2food: used with General Possessive Classifier [GPC].Na iamo, itibom ti laoma, na edi an'an edi luma yai mo ie ota.But just one thing , they [Biula people] come themselves, but their food just remains at their houses.
anduidui1swim, to2bathe, to
an'itataste s.th., toTau esega i an'ita, enaba, "Ewa!, ite an'an i bigabiga alili.One man tasted it, and he said. "Wow! this food here is very soft."
anlodaivtspoil s.th., toAge salai i an, yo age saha i anlodai.Pigs don't eat it, and nothing spoils it.
antulun1offloading place, a2wharf or landing placeEdi kago wa, ena aba antulu.(They have) a place where their cargo is offloaded.
aonappearance, onesIta ada ao doha. Ta pepe'i, na yaluyaluada.We, our appearance is like (them). We die, and (they are) our spirits.
asainbananaEdi luma, sadaina yai beto ganana.Their house, beside it (was) a banana fence.