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koe renacvpeelMagdalene bi tai di ro koe resi ita oto rigo.Magdalene will peel the bark of the tai tree and tie up/bundle the firewood.6.6.3Working with wood
koekanhelmeted/New Guinea friarbird, leatherhead.Koeka bi erena buni.The helmeted friarbird is a nice bird.
koenanthick-billed ground-pigeon/junglepigeon, ground dove.Resi koena erena sero rena vene rofu yomakai ago niyo.And then he spoke to those who sold the pigeons.
koere renacvpeel (banana).Dona di tauga be koere rei mafa.Peel and give some banana to the pigs. shell, skin
kofancopperKofa bi Bougainville ri goegamadi.They were mining (lit. 'digging up') copper in Bougainville.
kofi1ncoffeeNa kofi abatasa irigida.I drink coffee with milk.
kofi2nforeskinGebe kofi kofi.There are (i.e. they exist) penis foreskins. organs
kofunkina shell for dancing.Beika bi akeke auna rofu ga masi yi kofu bi dona di budari ga makufa.Don't give what is holy to dogs and don't throw your pearls (lit. 'kina shells') before pigs.4.2.4Dance
kohunproperty, wealth, cargo, materials.Tanoba kohu yaku yi ne uruma ga fafa riyaine.You should not cover your face to worldly wealth/materials., property
kointree species; a spirit place.Koi yabo odoro busi amedo.Bushmen live up in the koi trees.1.5.1Tree
koi ninacvbe(come) bent, folded.Nai yuka koi niyo.My legs were folded/bent.
koifiroronbutterfly, moth.Ya bi koifiroro kana ito nisi are rei maka reisa.You are always floating/flittering around like a butterfly.
koifiyonbamboo container.Bi koifiyo kana gouti di ro dudu rigamadi.They were like bamboo containers made of goats' skins.6.7.7Container
koikimaninsect larva: caterpillar, pupa.Koikima yaku kare iye iriyo.The caterpillar ate the taro leaves.1.6.3Animal life cycle
koiman1leechKoima sufari amededi.Leeches live in the bush. animals2small boyKoima evadi raga nesi nai ima voi resi bae.Son go quickly and buy my betel nuts and come.Based on resemblance of boy's penis to a leech. babaunspec. comp. formcnsons' father.Koima baba, nai ago neide.Son's father, listen to me.koima nonounspec. comp. formcnsons' mother.Koima nono, na ma.Son's mother, give it to me.
koima babaunspec. comp. form ofkoima
koima nonounspec. comp. form ofkoima
koinanegfinish(ed), nothing; when no more remains.Yi bi ada bou koina.You don't have a hat., nothingkoina ninaunspec. comp. formcvfinishNai sisina baiyo minari koina niyo mini.My story came this far and now it is finished.Iruku koina niyo ga ni, Sei yaku una neidego babu.Don't say there is no food, or God might hear us.
koina ninaunspec. comp. form ofkoina
koite kaite renaunspec. comp. form ofkoitena
koite makunaunspec. comp. form ofkoitena
koitenavwash, pour water over, anoint.Nai mida, yi nono bi koite makuyaka.My son, your mother washed you.5.6.2Bathekoite kaite renaunspec. comp. formcvwashYi vana koite kaite resi mamo iruku iri.Wash your hands before you eat your food.Jingle.koite makunaunspec. comp. formforgiveSei maka amiye di no koite makugo.Only God can forgive sin.
koitonulcerKoito ara bi ara tora.An ulcer is a big sore. disease
koivonwattled brush-turkey/scrubturkey.Koivo erena raka nido.The wattled brush-turkey cries out.
koiyanyam species.Mina koiya bi ru reyo.This koiya yam is bitter.1.5.3Grass, herb, vine

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