Browse Doromu-Koki – English



uru2ncurrent, rapids.Koru uru tora nido.The river current is growing stronger.
uru3unspec. var. ofurusanight
uru tufaunspec. comp. form ofurusa
urufa2unspec. var. ofurusanightKokila dialect
urufomaiadjroaring, rushing.Ina bi koru abata urufomai degasa ma ofu tora di tu nina di kukuroka kana.It was like the sound of rushing floodwaters and great thunder clapping/cracking.
urumannose, beak.Idu yi ne uruma bi ari kode ga veyaine mamo iri-iri koina rego.But he must not see your face (lit, 'eyes-nose') until after he finishes eating and drinking. kitaunspec. comp. formcnnose mucusYa bi uruma kita nufa.You have nose mucus.uruma renaunspec. comp. formcvhave fluUruma reyaka.I had a flu.uruma rubaunspec. comp. formcnnostrilUruma ruba ara niyo.My nostril has a sore.
uruma kitaunspec. comp. form ofuruma
uruma renaunspec. comp. form ofuruma
uruma rubaunspec. comp. form ofuruma
urumbayanmale uka possum species.Urumbaya bi uka rumana.The urumbaya possum is a male possum.This does not fit normal phonological conventions of the language, so could conceivably be borrowed.
uruna1vripen, risen, rise up, swell, multiply.Mina yisiti yaku farava urudo.And this yeast makes the flour rise up.Yi afena bi uru vogovogo reyo.Your cheek is swollen.
uruna2vhusk, peel (corn, betel nut).Na bi koni urugidama ina bi aina butu regedi.I will husk the corn and they will gather wild sugarcane.Ima koina nidori boso ro urusi irisifa.When the betel nut is finished/gone we peel and eat the boso bark. shell, skin
urusauru1urufa1nnightAgiya urusa miya tora deyoma gagani itu reyo.Last night a big rain fell and the place got cold.antmedaunspec. var.uru3urufa28. ninaunspec. comp. formcvget darkUrusa niyoma keroko kikisi rautu okiyafa.It got dark and we lit the dry bamboo for light and came home.uru tufaunspec. comp. formsomeone who continues on throughout the night; rascal, sorcerer or 'night crasher'.Uru tufa vene yaku taraka duma reyadi.The 'night crashers' stole a car.
urusa ninaunspec. comp. form ofurusa
uruyaku1unspec. var. ofuriyakumorning
usanasking, begging, imploring, prayer, request, urge, plea, appeal, petition.Vima kikifa uni usa usa neide una iriyeduka re.Holy Spirit hear our prayer and have mercy on us. ninaunspec. comp. formcvaskNai rautu vene gua bi nai meda dada ya usa nida dadi vau refo.My village people, today is the day, so I ask you to all get up.usa usa yavaunspec. comp. formsynagogue; house of prayer.Ini venesa taoniri boyadima evade usa usa yava ideri dui resi amiye nioteimagi kora reyo.He came to town with his people and right away he entered the synogogue and began to teach people there.
usa ninaunspec. comp. form ofusa
usa usa yavaunspec. comp. form ofusa
usase renacvuncoverMa gokai beika bou reyadi bi bou usase rego.And however anything is covered, it will be uncovered.
usivfollowMina usi bi ma dairi negifa yavari.Later (lit. following this) we returned and went back home.usi is always used in conjunction with a verb of motion as seen in the subentries below. bainaunspec. comp. formcome followingMa amiye bedakai ka una usi baigamadi.And some other people were also coming along following us.usi dinaunspec. comp. formgo followingIna ka ini goidu digamo usi diyadi.They also went following (ie. followed) him wherever he was going.usi dina amiyeunspec. comp. formcnfollower, disciple.Ma ini usi dina amiye nokoi yaku ina rofu ago niyo.And one of his disciples spoke to him.usi ferenaunspec. comp. formleave followingBi rautu venesa disi usi fereida sanari nugasifa rofu sufa vi bi irisi rautu vibani bi moi rautu okisifa.I go with the village people following (them) and leave for the place, cutting (the bush) so that we eat the bush possum taking the meat to the village.usi gotenaunspec. comp. formgo down following"Mo moivo! vo nisi ini vene usi goteyo."Don't you get (it)?!" she said and went off following her people.usi nenaunspec. comp. formgo down followingRema mida usi nesi afei dairigamadi.They would go down following the girl and bring her back.
usi bainaunspec. comp. form ofusi
usi dinaunspec. comp. form ofusi