Browse Doromu-Koki – English



udoudobai2ndust; ash.Na ya rofu ago nisi uka gira riyaka, idu na bi budoka ma udo maka.I spoke to you boldly, but I am only dust and ashes.unspec. var.udobai11.2.2.1Soil, dirtudo ninaunspec. comp. form1cvdarkenJohn Bosco di ro bi udo niyo veyaka.I saw that John Bosco's skin was dark.2flour; bread.Ya girisi koina, idu ya ura bi udo origiya.You don't have any grease, but you want to bake bread.
udo ninaunspec. comp. form ofudo
udobai1unspec. var. ofudodustBadaika
udungreed; selfishness, lust.Ya bi udu rema ya veitao reyaka.I have discovered that you are a greedy woman.Idu yi ukari ya bi ru masiya maunu ma udu iniye nufa.But in your heart you have very bitter jealousy and selfishness.
uduvaranhouseUni uduvara ebaba resi uni varuka duma reyadi.They broke into our house and stole our clothes.
ueka ninacvwhistleKaere yaku ueka niyo?Who was whistling? of sounds
uesi rena2unspec. var. ofuvesi renatear apart
uetauvetanbody hair; fur, feather.Ouresi vata niyo bi kaka ma ini rovaita bi oruma kana ueta rigirigi.The firstborn was red and his body was hairy like the grass.Ini varuka bi kamelo di ueta.His clothing was camel fur.Erena ueta ga makufa.Don't throw out the bird feathers.2.1.5Hair
uevaringoanna; lizard species.Uevari bi variva tora.The goanna is a big lizard.
ufanmiddle; between.Ya bi ufari bae nesi vare.Come lie down and sleep in the middle.8.6.5Middle
ufatenavbreak throughIdu adari de ufatego.But it will not penetrate into their heads.Foroka ufateyo.The fork broke through/made a hole in it.Formed from u- 'forceful causative' + fatena 'sprout'.7.8.1Break
ufeya renacvtake/break apart/away; divide, destroy, dismantle, demolish.Amiye yeiva yokoi di yava bi ufeya resi ini gugura fore de moigo.No one will divide/take apart a strong man's house and get his possessions.Amiye tau egogo reyadi ma ufeya resi diyadi.Afterwards all the people met and broke up and went away.Ina yaku mina yava ufeya rigo vo niyo ma neideyafa!We have heard him say that he will destroy the building!Ufeya maka re.Just dismantle it.Formed from u- 'forceful causative' + feya 'flat' + rena 'doing'.7.9.2Tear down
ufonclapVana ufo refo.Clap your hands. of sounds
ufoka renacvopenIna bi babo ma vena ufoka resi ago nina bi gira.He was mute and had a speech impediment so it was hard for him to open his mouth and talk.7.3.6Open
uforo renacvunroll; open up, bloom.Kamini buka uforo resi bura reyadi sana baku reyo.Then he unrolled the book and found the place where it was written.Oukaka farofaro bi uforo rei mona reyo.Oukaka flowers open up/bloom nicely.antfiro rina8. up
ufu renacvblow off/away; cause to blow.Bi miya de redo seuya kana, aura yaku ufu redo.It is like some rain that comes, and causes the wind to blow.Formed from u- 'forceful causative' fu rena 'blow'. air
ugadoadjthinningNai ada iye ugado.My hair is thinning.2.1.5Hair
ugaiyanNew Guinea vulturine/Pesquet's parrot.Ugaiya erena sumari amededi.The New Guinea vulturine parrots live in the bush.
uganav1cross overKamini koru moka tora ugaradi rofu konori okiyadi.Then they crossed over the lake and arrived at the land. past, over, through2come apart/out, break/wipe off.Yi mida asika bi goivaka ugaro?When did your son's belly button come out?Yi uruma bidoka moi uga.Wipe your mucus.7.8.1Break
ugavaadjoldIna ka bi rema ugava.She was also an old woman. personugava ninaunspec. comp. formcvget oldUgava niyo, ye kiyaka amebi.She got old, so she will live a little while.
ugava ninaunspec. comp. form ofugava
uka1otua1u'a1nstomach; belly, abdomen.Vibani toga ga irifa yi uka eta nigedi baebu.Don't eat more protein or you'll have worms in your stomach.unspec. var.otua2u'a22.1.8.2Stomachuka fa renaunspec. comp. form1diarrhoeaIma toga irisi uka fa reyaka.I kept chewing betel nut and got diarrhoea.2womb, uterus.Ina bi ini nono di ukari Vima kikifa ya sena vata baiyo.He was already filled with the Holy Spirit in his mother's womb.3heart; seat of emotion/soulEvade maka bi amiye iniye di mokena ini ukari veifateyo.Immediately he perceived the people's thoughts in his heart.uka ada sinaunspec. comp. formgreetingUka ada sina nifeideyo.He sent greetings.uka agounspec. comp. formcncovenant, testament, agreement.Adina mina bi nai dava Sei di uka ago regi amiye tau gade rofu vegu no koite makugika rausi reyaka.For this is my blood I poured out to perform God's covenant for many people to be forgiven of sin.uka ago manaunspec. comp. formpromise, swear.Ma mina ya gua beika vata nido bi yi aufakai vene rofu uka ago maro moi vava rido.And this is to now confirm the covenant he swore to your fathers.uka ago mauaunspec. comp. formarkMa ini nivakena yava ideri ini uka ago maua vegamadi.And in his temple was seen the ark of the covenant.uka amutaunspec. comp. formcnpeaceIriyeduka ma uka amuta unasa sina rama ma uka mana dudu amebiyaine.May you be with us with mercy and peace through love.uka amuta ninaunspec. comp. formforgiveYi uka amuta niyo bi inasa ameyaine!That your peace will be with them!uka amuta renaunspec. comp. formendureMina vegu bi uka amuta rena.This practice is endurance/enduring.uka bere ninaunspec. comp. formbe satiatedYe ina tau noibanu iriyadima ini uka bere niyadi.And all these people ate and were filled.uka bubuunspec. comp. formboldnessUka bubu dudu beika reyainedi ya nigida.I will tell you with boldness what you must do.uka buniunspec. comp. formgrace, kindness.Sei di ini uka buni ma uka mana amiye rofu di bae ogau niyo.God's kindness and love for people appeared.uka buni manaunspec. comp. formshow kindnessIdu, ini uka buni ma uka mana amiye bae ogau niyo.But, when his kindness and peace-showing person will appear.uka buni tora gadeunspec. comp. formblessing, kindnessMinari amena vene yaku una rofu uka buni tora gade reyadi.The people there were very kind to us.uka dadinaunspec. comp. formcveager, alarming.Mina resi na bi ina nifeidegi uka dadiga ameida.Therefore I am eager to send him.uka di mokenaunspec. comp. formconscienceNa mina reyaka bi uka di mokena buni dudu reyakama nai vana bi kino yokoi de.I did this with a good conscience and my hands were not dirty.uka di mokena buniunspec. comp. formintegrityNa bi Sei di nemokori uka di mokena buni dudu ameyaka baiyo gua mina medari mini.I have lived before God with a clear conscience up until now.uka esikaunspec. comp. formcnheartache, hunger, sorrow, grudge.Uka esika mokena tora nigamo ya totona.He was having a big heartache for you.Mina dada ini uka esika John rofu bi tora gade ma ini ura bi ina umuyego vo nigamo.So her grudge with John was very big and she wanted to kill him.uka esika manaunspec. comp. formwickednessYa bi mokena rorobo uka masi amiye uka esika mana gubuyo regamo.You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness.uka gira duduunspec. comp. formresolve, purpose, intention.Ini omari moi bogedi meda negau nigamo dada uka gira dudu neyo mironari.His day to return to heaven was approaching so he resolved to go there.uka gira kikiunspec. comp. formstubborn; hard-hearted, obstinate, determined, adamant, obdurate.Ina yaku bi yi rema ferefo vo niyo, ini adina yi uka gira kiki dada.He allowed you to divorce your wives, because of your hard hearts.uka gira moinaunspec. comp. formhave courageYe kota rego meda okigori uka gira moigifa.So when the judgment day will come we will have courage.uka gira ninaunspec. comp. formbe brave/bold; take heart, have courage, encourage.Uka gira nifa; na mini. Ori ga refa!Take heart; it is me. Don't be afraid!uka gira renaunspec. comp. formbe stubbornAdina bi uka gira resi de neideyadi.Because they were stubborn and would not listen.uka ideri mokena nounspec. comp. formindecency, sensuality, licentiousness.Uka ideri mokena no ya amiye di uka ideri gutuna yakudo.Sensuality comes out of a person's heart.uka iriyedukaunspec. comp. formcnmercyIni uka iriyeduka yaku una moi vegu riyo.His mercy saved us.uka kabudo renaunspec. comp. formbe hungryIna bi uka kabudo reyo.He was hungry.uka koru rama rausi renaunspec. comp. formhave diarrhoeaIna uka koru rama rausi reyo.He had diarrhoea.uka irinaunspec. comp. formcvstir up, incite.Idu bi taoni di oureifeidena vene ma Sei nivakena rema vene di uka iriyadi.But they stirred up the town's leaders and God-worshipping women.uka maina regika nivenaunspec. comp. formtempt/test.Ina yaku vegu no reyainedi vonisi ini uka maina regika niveyo.He tempted him to sin.uka manaunspec. comp. formcvlove, admire.To uka manadi ina rofu gabire konori mokesi gaudia una ka mago.But lets love him down on the earth and also think about what he will give us.uka mana sesereunspec. comp. formlove spellMina amiye bi uka mana sesere ina diba.This person knows about love chants.uka meko1unspec. comp. formcvheartBi nai uka meko orido ita kana.It burns my heart like a fire.uka midaunspec. comp. formcnbeloved childNai mida nifeidegida, kaere bi nai uka mida.I will send my son, who is my beloved son.uka moigika duri renaunspec. comp. formwoo; seduce, attract.Ofi di uka moigika duri rena ago nikoru reyo.He said flowery (lit. 'watery') words to woo the young girl.uka moinaunspec. comp. formcvfind favourIna yaku Sei di ini uka moiyo.He found favour with God.Na bi nai uka moiyo, adina nai mokena bi mina tau veyo.I am convinced, because I think he has seen all these things.uka unema renaunspec. comp. formhave diarrhoeaIna uka unema reyo.He had diarrhoea.uka vari gira aenaunspec. comp. formfaithMinari mo ini usi dina vene vesi ini uka vari gira ina rofu aeyadi.There then his disciples saw and placed their faith in him.uka vorivoriunspec. comp. formstirred up; commotion, distress, disturbance, uproar.Ina bi bibo una vene ma uka vorivori rena amiye kukuroka tora regamadi neideyo.He heard the flute players and the stirring up heart people's great noise that they were making.uka yarena iniye renaunspec. comp. formsad; crestfallen, sorrowful, despondent.Idu mina godua mina ago neidesi ini uka yarena iniye reyo ma dadisi diyo.But this young man heard this and then he got up and went away sorrowful.uka yokoi maka ninaunspec. comp. formreconcile; form treaty, take oath, agree, accede.Ini moimai rei tavoi redo amiye rofu uka yokoi maka niyo.He was reconciled to his slave.uka mokenaunspec. comp. form1cnhopeToga ameibobina di uka mokena moibigifa.We will receive hope of eternal life.2cvconcernKaere ya vene gokai amededi mina rama uka mokedo?Who is truly concerned about how you are living?
uka2npossum; white, yellow, brown or black.Uka tora bi ori reyo.The large possum is afraid. kanaunspec. comp. formalbinoYi ne uruma bi uka kana.You are an albino (lit. 'your face is like a cuscus').