Move back and forth

केरेआऊकkereaukvEngto shake up in sup winnowing basketan action used to get paddy or rice to go to the front and broken bits of rice to go back7.3.1.3Shake7.2.2.8Move back and forth
winnow directionकेरेआऊकshake up in winnowing basket
घोटनीɡʰoʈninEnglarge wooden stirring paddlefor stirring gurघोटनी चलातोर आए।The paddle is to be stirred around (in the mixture). back and forth
Stirring paddleघोटनीstirring paddle(lg)
घोंडरूकɡʰõɖrukv1Engto wallow in mudHinकीचाड़ में लोटना, dirt7.2.2.8Move back and forth2Engto roll around on the groundघोंडराऊकɡʰõɖraukvEngto swish aroundas in mud or on floor1.2.2.1Soil, dirt7.2.2.8Move back and forth
चनकूकtʃənkukvEngto shake in winnowing basket; to separate rice bits from rice flour in winnowing basketटोरा के काँडतोर आए चनकून चनकून।, scatter7.2.2.8Move back and forth
winnow directionचनकूकshake in winnowing basket
चूल चूलेआ होऊकtʃul tʃulea houkcomVb1Engto wriggle aroundHinबेचइन होना back and forth2Engto be restlessph. v. ofचूल चूलेआहोऊकचूल चूलेआ
जीमी डोलूकdʒimi ɖolukcfभूईं डोलूकph. v. ofभूईंडोलूकcomVb1Engearth to trembleआजी जीमी डोलली।Today the earth trembled. back and forth1.2.1.7Earthquake2Engto quake1.2.1.7Earthquakeph. v. ofडोलूक
झूलाऊकdʒʰulaukcvVbEngto cause to swingमोएँ नोनी के झूलाएँसे।I am swinging Noni. back and forthगूनी झूलाऊकɡuni dʒʰulaukcomVbEngto do spirit's song; supernatural4.9.2Supernatural being4.2.3.3Singपीला झूलालो चोलनpila dʒʰulalo tʃoləncnEngflat basket for swinging baby
पीला झूलालो चोलनbasket for baby
मूँड झूलाऊकmũɖ dʒʰulaukcomVbEngto nod head7.2.2Move in a direction2.1.1Head
झाटूकdʒʰaʈukvEngto shake broken rice bits off front of winnowing trayकनकी झाटेसे।She is separating out the broken rice bits. back and forth5.2Food6. rice8.5.1.5Touching, contact6.7.7Container
ढूलूकɖʰulukv1Engto wobble2Engto tilt8., sloping3Engto swing7.2.2.8Move back and forth
थर थरूकtʰər tʰərukfr. var.थर थर थरcomVb1Engto shudderHinठिठुरना; कांपनाas motorscooter when idling2Engto shiver7.2.2.8Move back and forth2.5.6.2Fever8.3.4.1Cold7.1.9Move a part of the bodyph. v. ofथर2
धूनकूकdʰunkukvEngto shake back and forthHinआगे पीछे हिलाas a person by the shoulders, or a grain storage basket so more grain can fit in7.3.1.3Shake7.2.2.8Move back and forth
फापड़ूकpʰapɽukv1Engto shake outwith hands, back and forth7.3.1.3Shake7.2.2.8Move back and forth2Engto remove by shaking
रँगसूकrə̃ɡsukvEngto wriggleas a snake7.3.1.3Shake7.2.2.8Move back and forth
हट मातूकhəʈ matukcomVbEngto be overcome with restlessness7.2.2.8Move back and forth7.2.2.7Move in a circleph. v. ofमातूक
हलाऊकhəlaukcfहालूकtrVbEngto shake something; to rattle something; to wag7.3.1.3Shake7.2.2.8Move back and forth
हालूकhalukcfहलाऊकv1Engto wag7.2.1Manner of movement2Engto be loose8.2.7.2Loose7.2.1.6Steady, unsteady3Engto swing7.2.2.8Move back and forthबूला हालाbula halacnEnggad aboutबूला हाला होऊकbula hala houkcomVb1Engto be a gad-about2Engto potter about