
अलगələɡadj1EngdifferentHinअलग; अस्‍मान8.अलग अलगələɡ ələɡcomAdjEngseparateHinअलग; भिन्‍न; प्रथक7.5.1.1Separate, scatterअलगेəlɡecfअदरेadv1EngelsewhereHinभिन्न8.5.5Spatial relations8.5.3.1Absent8.5.1Here, there2Engseparately7.5.1.1Separate, scatter4.4.2.5Separate, aloneअलगे अलगेəlɡe əlɡecfभीने भीनेredup. ofभीनेcomAdvEngseparatelyHinभिन्न; अलग अलगअलगे अलगे सोऊँसे।We sleep separately or in separate places., scatter4.4.2.5Separate, aloneअलगे होऊकəlɡe houkcfअलगूकभीने होऊकph. v. ofभीनेहोऊकcomVbEngto become separate7.5.1.1Separate, scatter4.4.2.5Separate, alone
आऊरaurcfआरू1conjEngand Hinऔर9.6.1.1And, also183Norms811Logic196Semantics2adjEngother; anotherHinअनय; दूसरा; दूसरा कीईनाहातो साबूंद आऊर आए, फोटई साप करतो साबूंद आऊर आए।Bathsoap is one type (of soap), washing clothes soap is another type. Ideas About Nature and Manआऊर फरकaur pʰarəkfr. var.फारकाcnEngdifferent track or route6.5.4.1Road3adjcomp.चड़े आऊर चूड़ूमचड़ेसएदा आऊर बोएदाबोएरीसएनीआऊर देहेंaur dehẽcnEngincreased weight8.2.9Weigh8.1.4.2Increaseआऊर देहें धरूकaur dehẽ dʰərukcomVbEngto get fatter; to put on weightनोनी आऊर देहें धरूआए।The little girl will put on weight., get bigger
कीसम कीसम चो फोटईkisəm kisəm tʃo pʰoʈəicnEngdifferent kinds of cloth8. ofफोटईunspec. var. ofफोटीई
खूड़ूकkʰuɽukvEngto look differentतीन भाई भोईन ले ए भोईन खूड़ली।Of the three brothers and sisters this sister looks different.
जात अनजातdʒat əndʒatcnEngpeople of different castesजात अनजात बीआ दकूक ईलासोत।People of different castes came to see the wedding. class2Personcomp. ofजात
लेचकाऊकletʃkaukv1Engto pronounce differently8. style2Engto have an accentHinउच्चारण होना; लहजा देना3.5.1Say3. style