Browse Keley-i - English



antengadv.predto continue doing something without stoppingDaka ianteng eheehel.They keep on talking-talking.8.4.7Continue, persevereiC1-/iN-Time adverbial predicates
Antipolofr. var.AsipuloProp.Nthe name of an area in Ifugao provinceNanlabbbi kamin limmaw di Antipolo.We traveled at night to Antipolo.8.5.4Area
antutuggannthe back of the headThe word may also be used to refer to the crown of the head.Kimmuug hu antutuggan tu. The back of his head is bulging. Mablah hu bewek di antutuggan tu.The hair at the back of his head is white.2.1.1Head
anudintransto be carried away by water; to drownDa kineit neanud nem netey damangu.They went to remove the person carried away by the water but he was dead.2.6.6Dieme-/ne-Class 6D Descriptives
anultransto repair a landslide in fieldsInenul kun etan geday di payew mi ey ag law megday.I repaired the slide in our field and it does not slide now.Kalli alan elkat et pangenul ku eyan danum di geday.Go and get sticks with leaves for me to repair this slide.Antan tu anu-anul etan di geday et hannak ali ngenamung.Do not repair the slide and I'll be the one to do it.6.2.4Tend a field-en/-in-Class 4A Changes the structure of an object
anusstato be gentle, to be kind, to be patientKayyaggud hedin wadadadman tuun nelaing niya neanus ni mantuttuddu.It's good if there are people there who are intelligent and patient to teach.Nakappinhed dakeyun Apu Dios, et pilien dakeyun mambalin ni tuu tu, et humman hu mahapul ni man-inhehmek kayu, man-inbababbal kayu, man-in-aanus kayu, ey entan pampahhiyya yu. (Colossians 3:12)God loves you very much and has chosen you to become his people; therefore, you must be compassionate, kind, patient, and don't be proud.4.3.4Do good to8.3.5Type, kindme-/ne-Class 6C Characteristics of human nature
ap-aptransto lay something open and flat on a surface, e.g., cloth, mat, papersInap-apan tun tuwalya etan yuddungngan ni yuddungan mu.He laid the towel on the seat where you will sit.Yad det-al hu pengi-ap-apan ku etan ni abek ni keuggipan yu.It is on the floor where I will lay the mat for you to sleep on. down-an/-in-Class 5A Changing state of site by adding something
ap-apuInf. ofapu31na leader or ruler; may refer to a commander of soldiers or the leader of any defined groupIn the Bible, this word may refer to God or LORD.Ya ap-apu ni sindalu hu kamengimmandal ni pehding idan sindalu tu.As for the commander of the soldiers, he is the one who gives orders (lit. commands) to his soldiers in what they do.Nambangngad ida humman ni intu-dak ni ap-apu ey inang-ang da e na-kal tu-wangu degeh etan ni bega-en. (Luke 7:10)Those who were sent by the leader returned and they saw that the sickness of that servant was indeed removed. 4.6.1Ruler2vto rule over a group of people or over an area“Yudung kad winannan ku ingganah apputen kudda buhul mu et hi-gam hu pan-ap-apu da.” (Hebrews 1:13a)"Sit at my right hand until I defeat your enemies and you will rule over them."4.6.4RulepaN-man-ap-apupan-ap-apuanaap-apu
apahstaan urgent feeling of wanting to act when feeling empathy for someone being mistreatedNakka meeppa ni nehaulan Ullanih et igtang tu ahhu tun nekallakah.I was feeling empathy when Ullanih was deceived and sold his dog for a very cheap price.Kameeppah hi Beyukka ni nenang-angan tun kapampeneplisin Baleg ni u-ungnga tu.Beyukka was wanting to do something when she saw Baleg whipping his child. 6C Characteristics of human nature
apalna small hut used for sleeping6.5.1.2Types of houses
apehtransto be unwilling to give or share what one has; selfish; self-centeredThe unwillingness to share stems from the attitude that one has obtained what one has through own effort without other's help.Tuka i-apeh etan a-abbung ni aggamngan ni binehwat ametu et eleg deitsu peki-uggip di diman tep eleg itsu kunu bumaddang.He is so selfish with regards to the sleeping dormitory house that his father built and he won't let us sleep with them there because, according to him, we did not help.Hi-gatu nemayad etan ni balat et humman hu tuka pan-eppehi et eleg ni hekey um-idwat. He was the one who paid for the bananas and that is why he is so selfish and would not share at all. standard
apektaltrans1to produce an effect upon something; to be affectedNeapektalannak etan ni in-inhel tu.I am being affected with what he has been saying.3.3.3Influenceme- -an/ne- -anClass 6D Descriptives2to have an infectionNeapektalan hu liput tu et lumbag.His wound is infected and is swollen.2.5.2Diseaseme- -an/ne- -anLanguage of Borrowing: English: affect
apelncongealed blood; thickened, hardened blood2.2.5Bleed, blood
apgedna variety of grass, has a sharp edged leaf1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
apgehtransto be humiliated by someoneThen meaning of this word seems to be a combination of baing 'shame' and almet 'displeased, sad'; one can feel this way even if it involves someone else, particularly a relative. The person who feels this way will leave the group.Imbunget da et ap-apgeh tu katteg et lumaw.They scolded him so he was humiliated and he left.In-apgehan tu katteg etan inhel da et manglaw.He was humiliated by what they said and so he left.Umenapgeh ida law etan han-ina tep ay aggak lumaw ey kangkuy umlawwak. -an/iN- -an
apgun1sac attached to liver where excess bile is stored; gall bladderYa apgu ni kaibbaki ni mabeki hu mengippeang-ang hedin kayyaggud weno lawah hu imbakian tu.It is the gall bladder of the sacrificial animal that the shaman examines (lit. looks at) to determine if the sacrificial ritual offering that he performed is good or bad, i.e., acceptable.2.1.8Internal organs2secretion of liver; bile; gall; bitter tasteNem hedin mehe-ul ka et ipahding mu hu pinhed tu, ey manhelheltap ka et iningngeh tu hu imminum kan apgu niya heni ka negedged ni hinallung. (Proverbs 5:4)But if you are deceived and do what you want to do, you will suffer and it will be like you have drank something bitter as gall and it will be like you are pierced with a double-edged bolo.
apihtransto spread a mat, generally in preparation for sleepingIepih mu et mambakbaktad itsu tep ay neatu itsu.You spread the mat and we will lie down because we are tired.In-apih tu et kami kamambakbaktad ey dimmateng ida et bumengun kami mewan.He spread the mat and we were lying down when they arrived so we got up again.Ya kuwaltu di ametu hu tu nengiepihan.He spread the mat in his father's room.5.7SleepiC1-/iN-Class 3A Move and position an object at a site
apiitstathe acrid odor of burned thingsKaman-eppiit etan negiheb ni inhanglag tun lengih.The burned sesame seeds that she fried are-acrid-smelling.Simangilit2.3.4SmellmaN-/naN-Class 1C - General class - odor
apilvto marry, an archaic wordThe original meaning may have related to living independently of parents. It may also have been derived from the word appil, which means to separate or set something aside.Neapil law etan lakin pengulwan ni u-ungngad Jose nan Josephine.Jose and Josephine's eldest son is now married.Simahwa 2kasal2.6.1Marriagearchme-/ne-
apintransto fill a pot with rice for cookingEppinan ku etan banga ni begah ni ihhaeng mun mahmahdem.I will fill the pot with rice for you to cook in the evening. in-an/-in- -anClass 5A Changing state of site by adding something
apingnthe inside edge of a rice paddy dikewhpayew6. rice
apiyehnfoot measurementYa kadinukkey tu ey epat ni gatut et neliman piyeh. Ya kalinakkeb tu ey nepitu et liman piyeh. Ya kasina-gey tu ey na-pat et liman piyeh. (Genesis 6:15)(Make a boat.) The length is to be 450 feet. The width is to be 75 feet. The height is to be 45 feet.8.2.8Measure
aplagtransto spread a blanket or clothing, often done in order to dry the itemIaplag mudda eya wangal et maha-peyan.Spread this blanket so it will be dried.Attu mu nengiaplagan etan ni wangal ku?Where did you spread my blanket?Hipa tuka pampengi-aplagidda eman ni babalwasi?Why is she spreading these clothes?Hi-gak nengiaplag tep kangku ngu et meha-peyana.I was the one who spread those thinking that they will be dried.7.5ArrangeiC1-/iN-Class 3A Move and position an object at a site
aplangngayna tree variety with edible young leaves1.5.1Tree
aplihintransrain being swept crosswise by windTu-lu kayulli tep aye kaman-aplih hu udan.You move inside since the rain is being blown by the wind.Ipahgep yuddalli eya neiha-ad di dallin tep meaplihan ni udan.Bring in those things from outside because they will be blown with rain by the wind., me- -anClass 1B - Movement with a directional component