Browse Kwéyòl



kapabADJable, capableI pa asé kapab pou fè sa.He's not capable of doing that.Fr.capable
kapasitéNcapacityI té vlé mèt-la fè'y an kolonm mé i pa ni kapasité-a pou sa.He wanted the boss to make him an overseer but he doesn't have the capacity for that.Fr.capacité
kapitalNcapitalKastwi sé kapital Sent Lisi.Castries is the capital of Saint
kaponnenVto grabLè i tonbé mwen kaponnen'y.When he fell I grabbed him.
kas1Ncassia, a type of plant (cinnamomum cassia) used in bush medicine as a coolingSi ou manjé kas-la, i kay mennen'w.If you eat the cassia, it will loosen your bowels.Fr.casse
kas2NcaskMwen achté an kas wonm bay kabawé mwen-an.I bought a cask of rum for my rumshop.synbouko
kasavNcassava breadMwen enmen kasav épi lèt.I like cassava bread and milk.synkasav manyòkkasav manyòksynkasavkasav myèlKasav myèl-la dou!The honeycomb is sweet!
kaséV1to breakI kasé vè-a.He broke the glass.2to break intoYo kasé kay-la.They broke into the house.3to hit one marble with anotherMwen kasé mab-la!I hit the marble!Fr.casserkasé bwa an zòwèyMwen di'w pa fè sa. Ou ka kasé bwa an zòwèy ou!I told you not to do that. You are refusing to obey!kasé kanmawadMwen épi misyé pa sa dakò, kon sa mwen kasé kanmawad épi'y.The man and I could not agree, so I severed my friendship with him.syntiwé non an liv?tiwé non an livkasé wenMwen kay kasé wen'w!I'll give you a good licking.
kaskouNcliff, precipiceI tonbé an kaskou-a.He fell in the precipice.synfalèzkoudoumfonFr.casse-cou
kastòNhelmet, hard hatMisyé-a ni on kastò nèf.The man has a new hard hat.
KastwiNCastriesYo ka alé Kastwi vitman ay fè on konmisyon.They're going to Castries to do a quick errand.
kat1ADJfourMwen vlé kat liv sèl.I want four pounds of salt.??Ou kwè sé kat! Ou kwè sé dé!Do you really believe that?Fr.quatrekat chimenYo kouwi jis tan yo wivé an kat chimen-an.They ran until they arrived at the crossroads.kat nwèNou péyé kat nwè pou chak fig.We paid five cents per banana.
kat2Ncards, playing cardI toujou ka jwé kat.He is always playing cards.Fr.cartebat katYo bat sé kat-la avan yo jwé.They shuffled before they played.
katalézòmNa type of plant, used to cure échofi, ti kouwi and vitiligoFèy katalézòm bon pou lota.Katalézòm leaves are good for treating vitiligo.
kataplanmNpoulticeWen mwen ouvè épi mwen té ni pou mété on kataplanm.My waist opened and I had to put a poultice on it.Fr.cataplasme
katapòlN1catapult, slingshotMwen tjwé an jibyé épi katapòl mwen.I killed a bird with my slingshot.2slipper, thong, sandal, flipflopI mété kouwi épi katapòl li volé sòti an pyé'y.He started running and his slipper flew off his foot.Fr.catapulte
katinNblack widow spiderGwan moun di si an katin mòdé'w, ou ni pou dansé pou ven kat nèditan.Old folks say that if a black widow spider bites you, you have to dance for 24 hours.synven kat nèditan
katjètNlegSé pou ou toujou fèmé katjèt ou lè ou ka asid.You must always put your legs together when you sit.synjanmjanmcrude
katjilNthought, mindMwen épi'w fè menm katjil.You and I are of the same mind.Fr.?calcul
katjiléVto think, to ponder, to meditateSé pou nou katjilé asou sa.We must think about that.Fr.calculer
KatolikADJRoman CatholicLégliz Katolik sé pli gwo légliz ki Sent Lisi.The Roman Catholic Church is the biggest church in Saint Lucia.NRoman CatholicSé Katolik-la ka chanté.The Catholics are singing.Fr.catholique
katouchNcartridge, shellFizi sala ka pwan kat katouch.That rifle takes four cartridges.Fr.cartouche
katòzADJfourteenNou ni katòz liv.We have fourteen books.Fr.quatorze
katwanNkat lannéFr.quatre ans
katwèNfour o'clockFr.quatre heures