taxl tʰa̠⁶⁶1v.burn; heat; scald/tàng/Ni ajjix ddei le zu a saelnei yix me ddei taxl teixl ddo. 你把水烧开了,鸡毛才可以烫得掉。The water needs to be heated until it is hot before the chicken feathers can be scalded (so they can be plucked out).Aniux hal ddox leil ajjix taxl taxl dae a. 那个孩子被烫水烫着了。That child was burned with hot water.2adj.hotAlmeixr ddei zeixl mi a ngaseir a, yarzi taxl. 米饭刚煮熟很烫。When the rice has just finished being boiled to completion, (it) is very hot.Ni he ddei cu taxl a, vei teixl la. 你把铁烧烫了拿出来。Heat the metal hot, (and) then take it out (of the fire).The word /gielco/ is used to mean 'hot' when referring to the temperature of the air--the weather. The word used for 'hot' things is /taxl/./gielco/ 代表气温。东西的熱或烫用 /taxl/。Compare 另见gielcossaexrtaxl tʰa̠⁶⁶

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