malmalma⁵⁵ma⁵⁵🔊POST POS后置词happens to be; is the one; just then正是/zhèngshì/Zzaegu hal ddei malmal ni ddei nga a! 那个东西正是你的!That is the thing that is yours!Ni zo wo sulzzaggie ddei mel, ni ssi niazzir dae ddei malmal nga a! 你找到的学校,就是你想要去的那个了。The school you found is the one you wanted to go to!Yar ggux dae mi eil bbae malmal mel, ngo ddei a. 他捡的这块田刚好是我的。This field where s/he gleaned, happens to be mine.Anol hal ddei jjiumo gga ngier dae car malmal, caezi ar jiaxl gger lei a, yar leil zuax guirle gger a. 那只狗刚好站在路上,有一驾车子过来把它撞倒了。Just as that dog was standing in the road, a car came by, (and) knocked him/her down.Ngo ake jjixr ci car malmal, almer lei zei lei a. 我刚好回到家的时候,就下雨了。Just when I returned home it rained.Arni eilcar malmal almer lei a. 昨天正当这时下雨了。Just this time yesterday it rained.Compare 另见eilcar malmalmalmal ma⁵⁵ma⁵⁵ilqixl malmal ʔi⁵⁵-tʃʰi̞⁶⁶ ma⁵⁵ma⁵⁵

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