piu pʰʲo³³color颜色silver; silver color; white/bái/Ca hal ddei mel mar a, olce lei piu jjia a. 那个人老了,头发也完全白了。That person is old, (and his/her) hair is completely white.Yarneipo olce piulpiumo cirke zza. 他的外婆有很多白色的头发。His/her maternal grandfather's hair is white, and there is a lot of it (hair).Halcar a, camar mel piu armel zza, nael eilleix ci a, nr zza a. 以前的老人有一些银,但是现在没有了。In times past, old people had some silver, but in these days (they) don't have (any).The /yarneipo/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /aneipo/./yarneipo/ 是 /yar-/ 和 /aneipo/ 的组合词。Compare 另见horpiunixpiupiulpiupiursixllexrmaesixllexrpiutaexltaexlpyu pʰy³³

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