deix te̠⁴⁴v.carry; hold with the arms; hug/bào/Ngo aniux ar ddox deix dae a, yar ngo pia ddei leil sir ardae beixl deix gger a. 我抱着一个小孩,他尿了一抛尿在我的衣服上。(When) I was carrying a child, s/he urinated on my clothes.Ngo silbbar cirke deix dae a, niur mel leil zol ssi. 我抱着很多草,去喂牛。I carried a lot of grass, to go feed the cattle.This means to hold something in your arms. It can include standing up and holding a child (or some item) in your arms or sitting while holding a child on your lap.意思是用手臂抱着。包括站立抱着小孩子(或某物)或者坐着把小孩抱在腿上。deix te̠⁴⁴

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