gaka³³🔊adj.blood relation; related by birth/qīn/Ngo mel yar ddei cirssor ga. 我是她最亲的亲戚。I am his blood relation.Aniux hal ddox leil hier vaer su nrnel mel, yarbbor yarma ga nr nga. 养大那个孩子的那两个不是他的亲生父母。The two who raised that child are not his/her real (related by birth) father and mother.Ssormaer hal ddei halae yargo galga ar ddei zza seir. 那个女孩还有一个亲哥哥。That girl/lady still has one older brother who is (really) related to her by birth (and not someone called older brother just to be polite).1. /yarbbor/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /arbbor/; /yarma/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /ama/. /yarbbor/ 是 /yar-/ 和 /arbbor/ 的组合词;/yarma/ 是 /yar-/ 和 /ama/ 的组合词。Kinship terms are often used even with people who are not blood relations. Older friends are often called 'older brother' or 'older sister'. /arzzi nimar ga/ would be the real older and younger brother vs. just the older and younger friends that are called older and younger brothers.亲人的称呼可以用在没有血亲的人身上。老朋友可以称呼为'老兄弟' or '老姐妹'. /arzzi nimar ga/ 则用在真正的弟弟身上。Compare 另见ake cacirssorgalgahhexrjiacuxrnaerhoga ka³³

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