faxrceixr fa̠ʔ²¹tsʰe̠ʔ²¹v. (secondary)次动fortune发财/fācái/Yar vaexleixr bei a, bei faxrceixr a. 他做生意,发财了。S/he did business, (and) made a fortune.1. Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords. 大多数以 /f/ 开始而不以 /u/ 接下去的字,都是来自汉语的借词。; Secondary verbs differ from main verbs in that they never occur at the head of the verb phrase--they follow the main verb. If the main verb is not stated, the secondary verb still comes second and the main verb is replaced by /bei/ 'do '. For example, /nge laexl/ (cry pretend) is 'pretend to cry'. But if it is just 'pretend' without stating what is being pretended, then it is /bei laexl/ (do pretend). Secondary verbs differ from auxiliaries in that, while there is a logical and sequential relationship between the main verb and the secondary verb, the secondary verb does not make distinctions in the mood, timing or direction of the main verb. 次要动词与主要动词之分别是,次要动词从来不在动词子句之首,它们跟在主要动词之后。假如主要动词没有指明或出现,就用 /bei/ ‘做’来代表主要动词。譬如, /nge laexl/ (哭 装) 是 ‘装哭’。 假如只说 ‘装’而没有说装什么,就要说 /bei laexl/ (装做)。次要动词与助动词的不同是:次要动词与主要动词之间有逻辑上和顺序上的关系,助动词并不表明主要动词的时间, 方向,或情绪、语气。“A Dictionary of Linguistics & Phonetics” edited by David Crystal (Fifth Edition) defines serial verb constructions as “...a type of construction for a sequence of verbs or verb phrases within a clause (or sequence of clauses) in which the syntactic relationship between the items is left unmarked. The verbs share a semantic argument, but there is no conjunction or inflection to mark co-ordination or subordination.”由 David Crystal 主编的“A Dictionary of Linguistics & Phonetics” “语言学和语音学字典”对“动词序列”下的定义是 … 在一个从句(或一系列的从句)中,一系列的动词或动词短语的结构里面,项目之间的语法没有标记。 这些动词都带着或分担着共同语义的参数,但其间没有连接词或词形变化来指出同等或附属地位。faxrceixr fa³³tsʰe³³

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