faexfæ̠⁴⁴🔊v.rise/fā/Aba bei a mel, hoba some ddei gga ajjix ardoxr ji a, arleixr faex lol a saelnei zzorci. 做包子,先在面粉里放一点水,让它发一下才好吃。When making steamed buns, first put a little water in the flour, let it rise a while and it will be delicious.1. This word /faex/ can be used when talking about dough rising to make bread, but the people don't traditionaly make bread that rises into a loaf. They do make home-made liquor and /faex/ is used when talking about the process of fermenting the grain. /faex/ 这字可用于发面做面包,彝族人通常不做发起来的面包。但他们常自己酿酒,/faex/ 这字用来描述谷类发酵的过程。Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords. 大多数以 /f/ 开始而不以 /u/ 接下去的字,都是来自汉语的借词。Compare 另见purfaex fæ̠⁴⁴

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